@ARTICLE{26543117_26547946_2009, author = {E. Sokolova and O. Sokolova}, keywords = {}, title = {Organization of economy administration by the municipality of Copenhagen}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2009}, month = {1}, number = {4}, pages = {147-157}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2009--4/26547946.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article is based on the Copenhagen Municipality Report 2007. The information and analytic work related to the assessment and modification of the administrative and management activity in the municipality of Copenhagen is an example of new methods applied in local government which allow to optimize budget administration and thus to make budget funds spending more effective, to simplify management mechanisms, to involve citizens in the assessment of the quality of municipal services as well as to their immediate participation in considering local issues.}, annote = {The article is based on the Copenhagen Municipality Report 2007. The information and analytic work related to the assessment and modification of the administrative and management activity in the municipality of Copenhagen is an example of new methods applied in local government which allow to optimize budget administration and thus to make budget funds spending more effective, to simplify management mechanisms, to involve citizens in the assessment of the quality of municipal services as well as to their immediate participation in considering local issues.} }