@ARTICLE{26543117_26550707_2010, author = {A Beysembaev}, keywords = {administrative reform}, title = {The system of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan: trends and prospects}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2010}, month = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {110-124}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2010--3/26550707.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {This article deals with the problems of the current public administration systemin the Republic of Kazakhstan. It considers situation and the state of the publicadministration, the normative legal acts that regulate the work of public servantsand the functioning of apparatus of the public administration. Th e article highlightssome problems of the current system, the reasons for their arising and somepossible ways of solving the problems. Th e author’s choice of the subject matter is determined by the urgency ofmodernization and improvement of the whole system of public administration.Th e propositions and recommendations are very important and implacable.}, annote = {This article deals with the problems of the current public administration systemin the Republic of Kazakhstan. It considers situation and the state of the publicadministration, the normative legal acts that regulate the work of public servantsand the functioning of apparatus of the public administration. Th e article highlightssome problems of the current system, the reasons for their arising and somepossible ways of solving the problems. Th e author’s choice of the subject matter is determined by the urgency ofmodernization and improvement of the whole system of public administration.Th e propositions and recommendations are very important and implacable.} }