@ARTICLE{26543117_26551216_2010, author = {Irina Mersiyanova}, keywords = {territorial self-government.}, title = {Local community-based activity as a form of citizens’ participation}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2010}, month = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {149-168}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2010--3/26551216.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article describes a population’s activity associated with an independentand on its own responsibility realization of its own local issue-related initiatives.Th is is characterized as a form of citizens’ participation at the local level,as a social institute and as a sphere of population’s interest realization. Also thearticle describes the involvement of the Russian people’s in this form of citizens’participation as in their daily self-organization and charity activities according totheir place of residence, and evaluates the charity resources of the housing selforganizationactivists.}, annote = {The article describes a population’s activity associated with an independentand on its own responsibility realization of its own local issue-related initiatives.Th is is characterized as a form of citizens’ participation at the local level,as a social institute and as a sphere of population’s interest realization. Also thearticle describes the involvement of the Russian people’s in this form of citizens’participation as in their daily self-organization and charity activities according totheir place of residence, and evaluates the charity resources of the housing selforganizationactivists.} }