@ARTICLE{26543117_64375961_2012, author = {S. Karpov}, keywords = {, international experience, France, business, nternationalizationtechnopark “Sophia Antipolis”}, title = {Innovation development management of the region following the example of technopark in France}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2012}, number = {3}, pages = {88-93}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2012--3/64375961.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article sets out some basic problems of the internationalization of business innovation. It analyses international experience of innovation programs support, deals with the trend in the activities on attracting foreign innovations of the largest European techno-park in France.The analysis showed that financial support for innovative companies is carried out through European programs (Fp5, Fp6) and the French innovative agencies: DIACT, OSEO, ANVAR.  Apart from that, any company in the techno-park can count on some grants, such as, for example, regional planning (PAT) - 10 000 EUR, if the company creates from 10 to 20 jobs for 5 years; mobility grant - 12 200 EUR for a working place, if 20 jobs are translated from other parts of France for 3 years.The region (Department of the Seashore Alps) provides assistance in the establishment or relocation of companies from other regions; development and innovation; export;  market research; equipment; obtaining loans on favorable terms; the department  provides  tax rebates in the amount of 50% for 5 years and also contributes  financially into the regional assistance on  establishment and development of  a company; the municipality is temporarily exempt from local taxes (50% for 5 years), if the firm has created 10 jobs and its total investment has amounted to more than 45 800 EUR; mixed subsidies are  5 818 EUR for creating one workplace (used to be 6 214 EUR before 1999) for newly arrived companies.}, annote = {The article sets out some basic problems of the internationalization of business innovation. It analyses international experience of innovation programs support, deals with the trend in the activities on attracting foreign innovations of the largest European techno-park in France.The analysis showed that financial support for innovative companies is carried out through European programs (Fp5, Fp6) and the French innovative agencies: DIACT, OSEO, ANVAR.  Apart from that, any company in the techno-park can count on some grants, such as, for example, regional planning (PAT) - 10 000 EUR, if the company creates from 10 to 20 jobs for 5 years; mobility grant - 12 200 EUR for a working place, if 20 jobs are translated from other parts of France for 3 years.The region (Department of the Seashore Alps) provides assistance in the establishment or relocation of companies from other regions; development and innovation; export;  market research; equipment; obtaining loans on favorable terms; the department  provides  tax rebates in the amount of 50% for 5 years and also contributes  financially into the regional assistance on  establishment and development of  a company; the municipality is temporarily exempt from local taxes (50% for 5 years), if the firm has created 10 jobs and its total investment has amounted to more than 45 800 EUR; mixed subsidies are  5 818 EUR for creating one workplace (used to be 6 214 EUR before 1999) for newly arrived companies.} }