@ARTICLE{26543117_64376616_2012, author = {G. Boyne}, keywords = {}, title = {Sources of public service improvement: a critical review and research agenda}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2012}, number = {3}, pages = {94-134}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2012--3/64376616.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Evidence from sixty-five empirical studies of public service performance is critically reviewed. The statistical results are grouped on the basis of five theoretical perspectives: resources, regulation, markets, organization, and management. The analysis suggests that the most likely sources of service improvement are extra resources and better management. A research agenda for further work is identified, and recommendations are made to enhance the theoretical and methodological quality of studies of public service improvement.}, annote = {Evidence from sixty-five empirical studies of public service performance is critically reviewed. The statistical results are grouped on the basis of five theoretical perspectives: resources, regulation, markets, organization, and management. The analysis suggests that the most likely sources of service improvement are extra resources and better management. A research agenda for further work is identified, and recommendations are made to enhance the theoretical and methodological quality of studies of public service improvement.} }