@ARTICLE{26543117_168518619_2015, author = {Sergey Plaksin and Alexander Kondrashov and Elizaveta Yastrebova}, keywords = {, penalty, toll plaza, public spending, public expensesecological effects}, title = {
Comparative Analysis of the Public Administration Mechanisms Related to the Electronic Toll Collection
}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2015}, number = {4}, pages = {99-118}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2015--4/168518619.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {This paper focuses on the opportunities which the electronic toll collection gives to the public administration in Russia. Currently the manual tall collection is in operation in Russia, which means stop-and-go traffic at toll plazas, quite a long transaction time, a lot of vehicles stuck in congestion at the peak time and a decrease of consumer satisfaction. The present study deals with the adoption of the electronic toll collection technology which is widely used in industrial countries. At the beginning of the paper the idea of the electronic toll collection is explained and a review of foreign studies is given. After that economic, social and ecological effects of the electronic toll collection implementation in Russia are evaluated and compared to ones of the manual tall collection. Finally, the recommendations about electronic toll collection implementation in Russia are made and appropriate legislation changes are proposed. The conclusion of the electronic toll collection effectiveness is made by using the modeling method and the sociological research data. The electronic toll collection is found to be more effective in terms of costs of the system itself, motorists’ time saving, accidents avoiding, consumer satisfaction, fuel consumption and emissions. Potential benefits of the electronic toll collection implementation are considered as being very promising. In order to set the electronic toll collection in operation in Russia a change of the administrative law is proposed.}, annote = {This paper focuses on the opportunities which the electronic toll collection gives to the public administration in Russia. Currently the manual tall collection is in operation in Russia, which means stop-and-go traffic at toll plazas, quite a long transaction time, a lot of vehicles stuck in congestion at the peak time and a decrease of consumer satisfaction. The present study deals with the adoption of the electronic toll collection technology which is widely used in industrial countries. At the beginning of the paper the idea of the electronic toll collection is explained and a review of foreign studies is given. After that economic, social and ecological effects of the electronic toll collection implementation in Russia are evaluated and compared to ones of the manual tall collection. Finally, the recommendations about electronic toll collection implementation in Russia are made and appropriate legislation changes are proposed. The conclusion of the electronic toll collection effectiveness is made by using the modeling method and the sociological research data. The electronic toll collection is found to be more effective in terms of costs of the system itself, motorists’ time saving, accidents avoiding, consumer satisfaction, fuel consumption and emissions. Potential benefits of the electronic toll collection implementation are considered as being very promising. In order to set the electronic toll collection in operation in Russia a change of the administrative law is proposed.} }