@ARTICLE{26543117_217688880_2018, author = {Mikhail Dmitriev and Anna Zolotareva and Valery Krapil}, keywords = {, administrative processes, streamlining of administrative processes, simplification of administrative processes, administrative regulations, employment servicethe regulation of employment service}, title = {Administrative Processes Optimization Directions. On the Example of the Employment Service}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2018}, number = {1}, pages = {7-28}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2018--1/217688880.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The article examines the administrative processes of rendering public services in the registration of the unemployed and assists them in the employment on the basis of employment сenters in the city of Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan). The subject of study is the possibility of optimizing these processes, including the amendment of legal acts regulating the provision of such public services. In the study we had the task to assess the potential of process optimization and to analyze the role of legal acts amending in implementation of this potential. The results of the analysis showed the presence of significant reserves to improve the efficiency of the processes under examination, including the elimination of redundant activities and documents that do not have value for service consumers, but distract resources and staff time. The article substantiates a number of proposals on administrative processes simplification in bodies of employment, in particular refusal to fill a number of documents that contain redundant information; delegating the right of signing documents to the lower levels of management; elimination of redundant process steps. Analysis of legal acts allows to draw the following conclusions: a significant part of the potential improvements can be implemented without amendments to the Federal laws and normative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, but will require a change of standards of the Ministry of labor and administrative regulations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. However, as shown by our analysis of the Federal legislation, it also needs to be improved, that will allow to achieve an additional increase of efficiency of studied processes.}, annote = {The article examines the administrative processes of rendering public services in the registration of the unemployed and assists them in the employment on the basis of employment сenters in the city of Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan). The subject of study is the possibility of optimizing these processes, including the amendment of legal acts regulating the provision of such public services. In the study we had the task to assess the potential of process optimization and to analyze the role of legal acts amending in implementation of this potential. The results of the analysis showed the presence of significant reserves to improve the efficiency of the processes under examination, including the elimination of redundant activities and documents that do not have value for service consumers, but distract resources and staff time. The article substantiates a number of proposals on administrative processes simplification in bodies of employment, in particular refusal to fill a number of documents that contain redundant information; delegating the right of signing documents to the lower levels of management; elimination of redundant process steps. Analysis of legal acts allows to draw the following conclusions: a significant part of the potential improvements can be implemented without amendments to the Federal laws and normative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, but will require a change of standards of the Ministry of labor and administrative regulations of the Republic of Bashkortostan. However, as shown by our analysis of the Federal legislation, it also needs to be improved, that will allow to achieve an additional increase of efficiency of studied processes.} }