@ARTICLE{26543117_217689384_2018, author = {Gennady Kupryashin}, keywords = {, public administration, civil service, administration reform, new public management, Neo-Weberian reform paradigmPublic Governance reform paradigm}, title = {A Kaleidoscope of Administrative Reforms in Europe: Experiences and Views from Top Civil Service Executives}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2018}, number = {1}, pages = {197-205}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2018--1/217689384.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {It is a review on the monograph by Hammerschmid G., Van de Walle S., Andrews R., Bezes F. Cheltenham "Public Administration Reforms in Europe. The View from the Top" [ed. by, UK; Northampton MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 304 p., (in English)]. The monograph seeks to comparatively assess the impact of New Public Management (NPM) style reforms in European countries, drawing on a team of European public administration scholars from 11 universities in 10 countries. Resulting from major research funded by the European Commission, this book examines and analyses empirical findings regarding the dynamics, major trends and tools of administrative reforms, with special focus on the diversity of top executives’ perceptions about the effects of those reforms.}, annote = {It is a review on the monograph by Hammerschmid G., Van de Walle S., Andrews R., Bezes F. Cheltenham "Public Administration Reforms in Europe. The View from the Top" [ed. by, UK; Northampton MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 304 p., (in English)]. The monograph seeks to comparatively assess the impact of New Public Management (NPM) style reforms in European countries, drawing on a team of European public administration scholars from 11 universities in 10 countries. Resulting from major research funded by the European Commission, this book examines and analyses empirical findings regarding the dynamics, major trends and tools of administrative reforms, with special focus on the diversity of top executives’ perceptions about the effects of those reforms.} }