@ARTICLE{26543117_879365543_2023, author = {Alexey Efremov}, keywords = {, public administration, information technology, information technology industry, performance and efficiency assessment, stimulation of development, strategic planningdigital transformation}, title = {EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY OF STIMULATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY IN RUSSIA: STATUS AND PROSPECTS}, journal = {Public Administration Issues}, year = {2023}, number = {4}, pages = {71-99}, url = {https://vgmu.hse.ru/en/2023--4/879365543.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {Ensuring the accelerated development of the information technology industry is attributed in Russia to one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. A significant number of measures aimed at stimulating the development of the Russian information technology industry (hereinafter referred to as the IT industry) have been developed, approved, and are being implemented. The general requirements for the quality of public administration indicate that for the success of these measures, it is necessary to ensure a timely assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The lack of such an assessment can become a practical problem that remains unresolved which significantly hinders the success of government efforts to stimulate development in the IT industry. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and prospects for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry. To achieve this goal: with a view to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry, determining its status and approach to its implementation, strategic documents affecting the issues of stimulating the development of IT have been analyzed; the current and prospective approaches to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry have been identified, substantiated and characterized; a draft methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry that implements a promising approach has been developed; proposals on fixing a promising approach to the institutionalization of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry are presented. The necessity of normative institutionalization of the developed assessment mechanism, including amendments and additions to federal legislation and by-laws, is substantiated. Comparative analysis of mechanisms and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of other economic sectors, as well as specifying criteria and assessment indicators in relation to specific tools and measures for stimulating development have been suggested as promising areas of scientific research in this field as a special function of public administration. }, annote = {Ensuring the accelerated development of the information technology industry is attributed in Russia to one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. A significant number of measures aimed at stimulating the development of the Russian information technology industry (hereinafter referred to as the IT industry) have been developed, approved, and are being implemented. The general requirements for the quality of public administration indicate that for the success of these measures, it is necessary to ensure a timely assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The lack of such an assessment can become a practical problem that remains unresolved which significantly hinders the success of government efforts to stimulate development in the IT industry. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and prospects for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry. To achieve this goal: with a view to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry, determining its status and approach to its implementation, strategic documents affecting the issues of stimulating the development of IT have been analyzed; the current and prospective approaches to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry have been identified, substantiated and characterized; a draft methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry that implements a promising approach has been developed; proposals on fixing a promising approach to the institutionalization of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry are presented. The necessity of normative institutionalization of the developed assessment mechanism, including amendments and additions to federal legislation and by-laws, is substantiated. Comparative analysis of mechanisms and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of other economic sectors, as well as specifying criteria and assessment indicators in relation to specific tools and measures for stimulating development have been suggested as promising areas of scientific research in this field as a special function of public administration. } }