Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Aleksandra Martynova1, Sergey Roshchin1Evaluation of efficiency and the demand for the efficiency evaluation of the state programs in the labour market
No. 4.
P. 27–47
[issue contents]
Evaluation of active market policy is examined using the example of labor market policy. Impact evaluation, the central part of policy evaluation, is focused on cause-and-effect relations between realization of active programs and achieved results. Impact evaluation is done at individual level and provides concrete quantities estimations of program effect for its target audience and other population groups. In this paper the main methodological approaches to program effectiveness evaluation via impact evaluation are discussed as well as key institutional restraints for implementation of policy evaluation, including lack of demand for evaluation results from authority and absence of necessary empirical data.
Martynova A. P., Roschin S. U. (2008) Otsenka effektivnosti i spros na otsenku effektivnosti gosudarstvennykh programm na rynke truda [Evaluation of efficiency and the demand for the efficiency evaluation of the state programs in the labour market] Public Administration Issues, 4, pp. 27-47 (in Russian)
effectiveness evaluation