Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 D. VeresovaOrganizing efficiency evaluation system for administrative decisions regarding land plots
No. 2.
P. 5–24
[issue contents]
This article analyses the problems of the efficiency evaluation of administrative decisions in shpere of the land property. The research of the Russian public administration practise discovers a number of drawbacks in the existing procedure of making administrative decisions which lead to taking politically benificial decisions and not to the most efficient ones. In accordance with law it is necessary to evaluate particular types of administrative decisions efficiency on rare ocasions. Foreign experience provides a broad set of approaches to public decisions efficiency evaluation which can be applied to Russian practice of public property management. Working out of the technique of decision efficiency evaluation in sphere of land property management requires considering their specific traits. These traits predetermine the scheme of analysis and applicability of certain analytical tools to the measurement of administrative decision efficiency.
Veresova D. (2009) Formirovanie sistemy otsenki effektivnosti gosudarstvennykh resheniy (primenitel'no k upravleniyu zemel'nymi ob"ektami) [Organizing efficiency evaluation system for administrative decisions regarding land plots]. Public Administration Issues, no 2, pp. 5-24 (in Russian)