Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 M. LeonovaElectronic (computer) participation in Russia and the EU: strategies, mechanisms, evaluation of the results
No. 4.
P. 124–135
[issue contents]
The article observes the current situation of one of the trends of the electronicgovernment concept – “electronic participation”. It discusses the dynamicsof this concept in the EU countries and the current mechanism of the feedbackwithin electronic (computer) participation. Th e article presents the results ofthe analysis of the computer participation level in the RF as well as the resultsof the feedback of the federal bodies of the executive power for the period of 2007-2009. It has been discovered that out of the standard multiple choice whichconsisted of eleven mechanisms of feedback, only six are good for a computerparticipation in the RF.
Leonova M. (2010) Elektronnoe uchastie v Rossii i Evropeyskom Soyuze: strategii, mekhanizmy, otsenka rezul'tatov [Electronic (computer) participation in Russia and the EU: strategies, mechanisms, evaluation of the results]. Public Administration Issues, no 4, pp. 124-135 (in Russian)