Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 O. SokolovaPrinciples of the municipal lawmaking in the fi eld of information
No. 3.
P. 91–101
[issue contents]
This article examines principles of the municipal lawmaking in the fi eld of information. It suggests classifi cation of these principles into legal and organizational ones, describes their content as based on the rules and regulations of the current municipal legislation and municipal practice of lawmaking in the fi eld of information. Th is research makes a conclusion about the signifi cance of these principles for the development of an integrated information space for the state and municipal government.
Sokolova O. C. (2011) Printsipy munitsipal'nogo pravotvorchestva v informatsionnoy sfere [Principles of the municipal lawmaking in the fi eld of information] Public Administration Issues, 3, pp. 91-101 (in Russian)