Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 A. KiselyovaStruggle against corruption and malfeasances in the law enforcement bodies (on the example of the Altay Customs)
No. 3.
P. 131–137
[issue contents]
The results of sociological research on the problems of offi cial discipline and revealing of propensity to corruption behaviour of offi cials carried out in the Altay Customs are presented in the article. A system of educational-preventive work of the Altay Customs, the reasons of misconduct, a complex of actions directed to the increase of offi cial and performing discipline, preventive maintenance and counteraction of corruption, their infl uence on educating the staff is analyzed.
Kiselyova A. A. (2011) Bor'ba s korruptsiey i dolzhnostnymi prestupleniyami v pravookhranitel'nykh organakh (na primere Altayskoy tamozhni) [Struggle against corruption and malfeasances in the law enforcement bodies (on the example of the Altay Customs)] Public Administration Issues, 3, pp. 131-137 (in Russian)