Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Nikolay Lisin1, Boris Rudnik1Budget Sector Reform: Problems, Riscs, Prospects
No. 2.
P. 60–77
[issue contents]
The article deals with the questions of reforming the budget sector: an increase in the number of types of state and municipal institutions, and a corresponding change of mechanisms of their budgetary financing. The authors identify the main stages of the reform; analyze the specifics of each of them; examine the current state of the reform: problems, risks occurred in the course of its implementation. One of the risks is a threat of discontinuing the reform. Its sign is a steady decline in the level of economic independence of the autonomous institutions after making a number of amendments to Federal Law "On autonomous institutions". The decline is primarily associated with the norm of Law № 83-FL (№ 83-ФЗ) for the establishment of the procedure of developing and adopting a plan on financial and economic activity of an autonomous agency by its founder.
LISIN N. V., RUDNIK B. L. (2012) Reforma byudzhetnogo sektora: problemy, riski i perspektivy [Budget Sector Reform: Problems, Riscs, Prospects] Public Administration Issues, 2, pp. 60-77 (in Russian)
non-governmental services;
non-profit organizations;
public and municipal organizations;
autonomous and government organizations;
state (municipal) tasks;
socially significant services;
budgetary instruments/tools;
autonomous, budget and government institutions;
standards of financing;