Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Evgenyi Styrin1, Sergey Plaksin1,2The system of public services is an object of monitoring in the Russian Federation
No. 4.
P. 66–83
[issue contents]
Monitoring the quality and availability of public and municipal services is a very important stage in the development of the whole system of public services in the Russian Federation. The article considers modern methods of the organization of monitoring public services as a process of interaction between the consumer and the bodies of public administration in the RF and abroad, along with the theoretical approaches to the problem of public services quality. It describes some special features of presenting results of the analysis of the public services system in Russia on the example of monitoring conducted by experts of the Institute of Public and Municipal Administration, Scientific Research University, Higher School of Economics, in 2010. A set of criteria for a periodical selection of public administration services in the next monitoring researches was formulated. The main criteria for services are: mass character, social significance, economic feasibility, the multiplicity of channels, necessity to organize a cross-agency collaboration to provide these services. The value of monitoring is determined by the possibility to reveal problems and give recommendation on solving them at all stages of providing services –from coming up with the initiative to obtaining the result. Results of the monitoring of public services in Russia, presented in the form of the services management profile, enable the federal and municipal bodies of power to see the whole picture of providing services and assess their effectiveness. The indicators of public services quality used in the monitoring – the time of getting services, comfort, the level of satisfaction with the result, were approved of by the supreme bodies of power and have become the basis for the formation of the system development policy. In conclusion the article suggests some trends for further improvement of public services provision in the Russian Federation.
Styrin E. M., Plaksin S. M. (2012) Sistema gosudarstvennykh uslug kak ob"ekt monitoringa v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [The system of public services is an object of monitoring in the Russian Federation] Public Administration Issues, 4, pp. 66-83 (in Russian)