

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

Post. address:
National Research University
Higher School of Economics
20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
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of. 307, 4/2, Slavyanskaya sq., Moscow 109074, Russian Federation

Tel./fax: 7 (495) 772-95-90, ext. 12631

E-mail: vgmu@hse.ru 


Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

L. Gadzhieva

Non-state area opportunities as a solution to the problem of preschool education availability

2012. No. 4. P. 169–176 [issue contents]

The article focuses on experience of the Perm City Administration in solving the problem of availability and quality of preschool education by developing competitive environment. The author presents the current models of financial support for providers and receivers of preschool services, particularly payment of the family-related bonus for children who don't visit nursery schools, as well as subsidy assistance for non-state educational establishments. The article also describes the mechanism of delegation of municipal assets to private investors for the purpose of preschool establishments recovery. The described practice resulted in prompt resolution of the problem of preschool education availability and in development of sole proprietors network and non-municipal nursery schools.

Citation: Gadzhieva L. A. (2012) Ob ispol'zovanii vozmozhnostey negosudarstvennogo sektora dlya resheniya problemy dostupnosti doshkol'nogo obrazovaniya [Non-state area opportunities as a solution to the problem of preschool education availability] Public Administration Issues, 4, pp. 169-176 (in Russian)
ISSN 1999-5431
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