

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

Post. address:
National Research University
Higher School of Economics
20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
Location address:
of. 307, 4/2, Slavyanskaya sq., Moscow 109074, Russian Federation

Tel./fax: 7 (495) 772-95-90, ext. 12631

E-mail: vgmu@hse.ru 


Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

D. Shishov 1
  • 1 PhD, an independent expert.

The methodological aspects of connecting organized township low-rise construction with the regional and municipal socio-economic environment

2013. No. 1. P. 72–88 [issue contents]

The article is devoted to the definition, systematization classification of various organized settlements of low-rise houses building. The author shows that such a settlement is a complex object and a separate economic and legal entity. Currently, economic, social and law points typical of the settlements have not been studied properly. The author analyses specific risks for the organized settlements of low-rise building construction. They are: legislative "stories" risks of low-rise construction under public-private partnership, concessional lending with the participation of state and regions or with budget co-financing. Management structures of the settlements have been studied by systematizing and classifying them. The author made a comparative analysis of the territorial public self-government with the organization structure of the organized settlements of low- rise construction.

It is recommended that the proposals on granting the organized settlements of low-rise construction the organized townships status of territorial public self-government should be realized. This will increase interaction of public administration on the one hand and communities of the organized settlements on the other hand, with the experience of territorial public administration in the RF as well as legislated mechanisms for it being used.

Citation: SHISHOV D. A. (2013) Metodologicheskie aspekty svyazi organizovannykh poselkov maloetazhnoy zastroyki s regional'noy i munitsipal'noy sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy sredoy [The methodological aspects of connecting organized township low-rise construction with the regional and municipal socio-economic environment] Public Administration Issues,no 1, pp. 64-78 (in Russian)
ISSN 1999-5431
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