Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Ludmila Zasimova1,2, Natalia Khorkina1, Alexey Kalinin1,3Health policy and worksite wellness programs in Russia
No. 4.
P. 69–94
[issue contents]
Worksite wellness programs have become very popular in developed countries. They produce benefits to employees, employers and the whole society by providing ways to change behavior associated with risk factors (such as smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, physical inactivity, stress etc.). Workplace wellness programs are viewed as investment in human capital. This is the reason why in many countries worksite wellness programs are supported by federal and regional authorities. Though the Russian government understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle, employees-sponsored health programs have not seen any significant support by now. Therefore the article describes the benefits associated with worksite wellness programs; examines the ways authorities promote such programs in developed countries
(e.g. tax allowances, grants, special initiatives to help small and medium enterprises, national health programs, pilot projects, and a wide range of measures aimed at providing enterprises with information about the best practice examples). After studying evidence from developed countries we discuss what health policy initiatives could be taken in Russia in order to promote worksite wellness programs.
Zasimova, L.S., Khorkina, N.A. & Kalinin, A.M. (2014). Rol’ Gosudarstva v razvitii programm ukrepleniya zdorovjya na rabochem meste [State’s Role in Promotion of Worksite Wellness Programs]. Public Administration Issues, n. 4, pp. 69–94 (in Russian).