

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

Post. address:
National Research University
Higher School of Economics
20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
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Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

Alexey Kalinin1,2, Anna Dupan1
  • 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • 2 PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Economics Faculty of Economic Sciences of HSE, Head of State consulting practice of «Business Solutions»

Financial and Economic Justification of Bills: The Current Status and Options for Improving

2016. No. 3. P. 121–132 [issue contents]
The study examined the problems of poor quality (the predominance of a formal nature) of financial and economic justification (feasibility study) of bills. At first we consider the regulatory requirements for the justifications. Then on the analysis of 200 bills of economic and fiscal topics introduced in the State Duma in 2015–2016, we find the prevalence of poor-quality justifications, and no association with the approval of bills. It is noted that pre-parliamentary discussion procedures (required for the Government of Russia), with all their shortcomings, have a positive effect on the quality of justifications. The solution to the problem of weakness of the financial and economic justification is thus seen in the formation of common requirements and extension of the procedures for pre-parliamentary discussions to cover all subjects of legislative initiative.

Citation: Kalinin, A.M. & Dupan, A.S. (2016). Finansovo-ekonomicheskie obosnovaniya zakonoproektov: Tekushchee polozhenie i varianty sovershenstvovaniya [Financial and Economic Justification of Bills: The Current Status and Options for Improving]. Public Administration Issues, n. 3, pp. 121–132 (in Russian).
ISSN 1999-5431
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