Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Alexey Barabashev1Crisis of State Governance and its Influence on Basic Administrative Paradigms of State and Bureaucracy
No. 3.
P. 163–194
[issue contents]
Instead of predicted globalization of state governance, that is described as appearance of a “global cosmopolitan state” one can see the divergence, caused by non-uniformity of innovative development; strengthening of situational competition in different states and the ways of life that experience the stress of innovative development.
Uncertainty of innovative development is a real reason for the contemporary crisis of public governance. The article introduces the notion of administrative crisis as an aspect of public governance crisis: inadequacy of existing administrative mechanisms of governance to new challenges. Current state governance administrative paradigms that describe the state as a system of administrative bodies and a system of public service are transformed under the pressure of administrative crisis. The main theories and models inside the administrative paradigms that appear due to the administrative crisis are explored.
Barabashev, A.G. (2016). Krizis gosudarstvennogo upravleniya i ego vliyanie na osnovnye administrativnye paradigmy gosudarstva i biurokratii [Crisis of State Governance and its Influence on Basic Administrative Paradigms of State and Bureaucracy]. Public Administration Issues, n. 3, pp. 163–194 (in Russian).