Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Vladislav Zaistev1DIGITAL ECONOMY AS A RESEARCH OBJECT: A LITERATURE REVIEW
No. 3.
P. 107–122
[issue contents]
The paper provides an overview of some publications on digital economy. In theoretical papers, digital economy generally refers to the production of goods based on the use of digital technologies, while a number of authors distinguish its four groups of interpretation (resource, process / flow, structural, business model) and two types of approaches, which are typical for the Russian literature (reproductive and cyber-systematic). A common feature of the considered defi nitions is an attempt to take into account the extent and the consequences of introducing digital technologies to changes in socio-economic processes, which results in the fact that the research field looks rather fragmentary. However, that circumstance does not hinder analytical and practice-oriented research. In the rewired applied papers, one emphasizes the supporting technological development with the “analog complements” such as sound regulatory and legal framework, digital skills, and accountable institutions. The article also presents the analysis of big data practices application in the frame of results-based management and data driven partnership and lists corresponding positive effects. The current review may be useful for academic and expert communities in carrying out researches in the field of digital economy and preparing proposals to modify state policy in the development of information society and digital economy.
Zaistev, V.E. (2019). Tsifrovaya ekonomika kak ob'ekt issledovaniya: Obzor publikatsiy [Digital Economy as a Research Object: A Literature Review]. Public Administration Issue, no 3, pp. 107–122 (in Russian).