Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 Valentina Antonyuk1, Galina Erlikh2, Marina Kozina3GAMING TECHNOLOGY AS A FORM OF ENHANCING TRAINING OF STATE AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES
No. 3.
P. 123–152
[issue contents]
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the content and features of gaming technology as an active method of forming competencies of the masters in «State and municipal management.»
The article proposes a methodology for conducting a business game “Comprehensive investment planning for the socio-economic development of a mono-functional city (case study: the town of Asha, Chelyabinsk region)”, the purpose of which is to train masters in an active form to exploit the methods of diagnostics and technology of integrated investment planning in the socio-economic development of a mono-functional city Asha. As a result, the participants form a management model of the municipality in the conditions of specified constraints. The business game consists of four stages: an introduction to the game; diagnostics of financial flows of counterparties of a single-industry company and calculation of the value and dynamics of its capital; setting goals for comprehensive investment planning and developing priority measures; a discussion of alternative options for the economic development of the city and the choice of the most preferred trajectory. Consequently, the business game recreates the patterns of interaction between the main counterparties of the mono-functional city and determines the most optimal options for managing the municipality, which leads to an increase in the educational process and the growth of the professional experience of the game participants.
Antoniuk, V.S., Erlikh, G.V. & Kozina, M.V. (2019). Igrovye tekhnologii kak forma aktivizatsii podgotovki kadrov gosudarstvennoi i munitsipalnoi sluzhby [Gaming Technology as a Form of Enhancing Training of State and Municipal Services]. Public Administration Issues, no 3, pp. 123–152 (in Russian).