Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2023 no4 contents:
Customer-centricity is a growing trend in improving the quality of public administration in Russia, including the sphere of state control. In this regard, it is extremely important to ensure and take into account the regular assessment of the progress and results of the implementation of customer-centricity in public administration. The purpose of the article is to present and analyze estimates of the customer-centricity of the state control regulated by Law No. 248-FZ in relation to one of its client groups, private business. As well as the solution of any task of the state, taking care of the customer-centricity of the supervisory authorities in contact with the business involves feedback. With its help it is possible to evaluate the successes and adjust further efforts of state control in this direction. How successful is this care? How client-centered is state control, bearing in mind that it takes into account the interests of the business it visits to verify their compliance with mandatory requirements aimed at preventing or minimizing harm (damage) to legally protected values? To answer these questions, the data from sociological surveys of business representatives conducted by RANEPA since 2017 were used. Being aimed at assessing the effectiveness of state control, the data obtained actually characterize how respondents assess the customer-centricity of state control in relation to business (including private). The data from the 2023 sociological survey are presented and analyzed in comparison with the data from the 2017-2022 opinion polls. According to business representatives, state control does help to ensure the safety of production facilities, processes, production products (thereby preventing or reducing the risks of damage to legally protected values and maintaining them at an acceptable level), and the dynamics of the implementation of this concern are positive. In addition, respondents recognize that the state regulating state control, as well as the control authorities, also take care of reducing the regulatory burden and reducing business costs in connection with the state control measures. In general, positive trends have been identified in the efforts of the state to ensure the customer-centricity of state control over business.
Employment services are interested in forming an objective assessment of the quality of services provided to the population. Despite the implementation of a client-centered approach, there has been a decrease in service quality assessment as employment services transitioned to digitalization of service provision. This decline can be attributed, in part, to the low digital literacy among the population. The authors conducted a study of the practice of evaluating service quality in promoting employment. The paper reviews both theoretical and practical approaches to assessing public service quality in a digital environment and implementing a client-centered approach. The research draws on various sources, including job seekers' reviews, microdata on public service quality and availability, digital economy statistical data, survey results from employment service clients, and interviews with representatives of employment agencies in the Novosibirsk region. The methods of the research include statistical analysis and content analysis. The findings indicate that with the transition to a digital format of service delivery, customers’ satisfaction with the quality of services is largely determined by their digital competencies and access to digital services. However, the current methodology for assessing client-centricity lacks consideration of these factors. The conclusion presents recommendations for enhancing the methodological support for assessing client centricity, leading to a more concise evaluation of the quality of employment services.
Ensuring the accelerated development of the information technology industry is attributed in Russia to one of the main strategic tasks of the country's development. A significant number of measures aimed at stimulating the development of the Russian information technology industry (hereinafter referred to as the IT industry) have been developed, approved, and are being implemented. The general requirements for the quality of public administration indicate that for the success of these measures, it is necessary to ensure a timely assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency. The lack of such an assessment can become a practical problem that remains unresolved which significantly hinders the success of government efforts to stimulate development in the IT industry. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to analyze the current state and prospects for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry. To achieve this goal: with a view to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry, determining its status and approach to its implementation, strategic documents affecting the issues of stimulating the development of IT have been analyzed; the current and prospective approaches to assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry have been identified, substantiated and characterized; a draft methodology for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry that implements a promising approach has been developed; proposals on fixing a promising approach to the institutionalization of the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of the IT industry are presented. The necessity of normative institutionalization of the developed assessment mechanism, including amendments and additions to federal legislation and by-laws, is substantiated. Comparative analysis of mechanisms and criteria for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of stimulating the development of other economic sectors, as well as specifying criteria and assessment indicators in relation to specific tools and measures for stimulating development have been suggested as promising areas of scientific research in this field as a special function of public administration. |
In recent decades, much attention has been paid to assessing human interaction with digital technologies. An analysis of existing approaches to assessing the digital readiness of citizens formed the basis for the development of an index for such an assessment. The index proposed in the article was calculated based on data obtained during a survey of the population of 11 cities in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The number of respondents amounted to 341 people. The value of the digital readiness index of citizens in the cities studied showed that the level of digital trust of survey participants is significantly higher than the level of digital skills, and the level of digital skills does not affect the level of citizens’ trust in digital technologies.
The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the governance mechanism of place branding process that ensures the integration of branding into the territory development system. For this purpose, the three-level place branding process structural scheme was formulated and justified, and the existing place branding models have been studied. Then, the theoretical and empirical data on place branding process organization were incorporated into holistic model based on three-level structural scheme. As a result, the conceptual model of place branding governance mechanism has been elaborated. The model reflects three levels of place branding organization: the level of brand as a dynamic system of associations related to the territory, the level of branding as the process of territorial brand creation, and the level of branding as a tool of territory development. The model is described in two versions: the basic version, which reflects place branding as a process coordinated by regional administrations, and the extended version, which describes place branding as a co-creation process by independently acting stakeholders. The originality of the proposed model is that it describes in detail the governance of place branding process, which is currently an understudied aspect in the modern literature. The proposed model also consolidates into a holistic system three levels of place branding process, which are usually studied separately.The model could be used in practical cases of place branding implementation for designing a brand management system and serve as a basis for further elaboration of place branding theory.
The goal of this study is to analyze the features of the OECD labor markets’ recovery in the post-Covid period, evaluate various national strategies for overcoming the negative consequences of the coronavirus crisis in the field of employment, and assess public policy measures after the end of the acute phase of the pandemic in comparison with previous crises. To analyze the situation on the labour market in OECD countries in the post-pandemic period, the author used data from international statistical organizations, primarily the International Labour Organization, OECD and Eurostat, and publications of national statistical agencies. A comparative analysis of employment policies in OECD countries at the stage of post-Covid economic recovery allowed us to come to the conclusion that, firstly, measures aimed at maintaining support for affected industries and population groups were continued, and secondly, policies on resolving structural issues in the labour market, including strengthening labour mobility, restoring and expanding the system of professional retraining, and increasing the efficiency of the public employment service, were activated. |