Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 D. Izosimov, E. GromovaLong-term contracts in road building as an instrument of motivation, risks optimization and budget input
No. 2.
P. 53–63
[issue contents]
The article considers the implementation of a new instrument at the regional level. It is a long-term contract in road building which motivates business to provide a good, qualitative service in road building; repairing and exploiting an infrastructural transport object during its life-long cycle, with risks being optimized and committed fi nances distributed over the lead time.
Izosimov D. A., Gromova E. G. (2011) Dolgosrochnye kontrakty v dorozhnom khozyaystve kak instrument motivatsii, optimizatsii riskov i byudzhetnykh raskhodov [Long-term contracts in road building as an instrument of motivation, risks optimization and budget input] Public Administration Issues, 2, pp. 53-63 (in Russian)