Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007 ISSN 1999-5431 E-ISSN 2409-5095 K. MagomedovProblems of Professional Adaptation in the Municipal Service of the Russian Federation
No. 1.
P. 99–105
[issue contents]
The article analyses vocational adaptation problems that arise in the process of formation and development of municipal service in modern Russia. The analysis is based on the data of sociological research on current issues of functioning and development of local self-government. Results: the experience of various municipal authorities shows, that the use of the complex of professional and psychological adaptation of a new specialist appears to be more efficient and economical, than the failed probationary period and search for new candidates for the vacated jobs. However, special adaptation programs for managers simply do not exist in many municipalities. Conclusions and recommendations: basing on the opinions of the participants in the study, it must be emphasized that professional adaptation helps reduce turnover in the staff of the municipal service and consolidates its new staff – 32.9 % of the respondents are of this opinion; 50.1 % respondents consider that it contributes in some way; only 8.8 % of the respondents consider that it is not conductive to; (8.2 % were unable to answer). Thus, the professional adaptation is also a social technology of the staff retention in the municipal service. In order to develop and to improve the adaptation work in municipal authorities in practice, it needs a scientific support - both theoretical and methodological. It is also necessary that the problem of adaptation of municipal personnel in modern Russia’s conditions, including the applicability of foreign experience in forming adaptation systems in the bodies of public and municipal management, should be studied.
MAGOMEDOV K. O. (2012) Professional'no-adaptatsionnye problemy v munitsipal'noy sluzhbe Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Problems of Professional Adaptation in the Municipal Service of the Russian Federation] Public Administration Issues, 1, pp. 99-105 (in Russian)