Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2016 no2 contents:
The article deals with the organization and functioning of the risk management system in the sphere of state control. In Russia, a risk-based approach is being actively developed in some areas of public administration, but it is not universal. Full implementation of risk management systems will improve the efficiency of state inspection, as well as the comfort of doing business. The aim of the article is to summarize and analyze the Russian experience of risk management in state control, as well as the formation of a target model and proposals for its implementation. The authors have proposed definitions of «risk» and «risk management system» that are applied to the sphere of state control (supervision). The article discusses two basic elements of risk management: risk assessment procedure and measures to minimize risk. The article contains a description and classification of risks assessment, based on the analysis of the following elements: an object, the scale, the manner and method of evaluation. With regard to risk minimization measures the authors examined the existing differentiation of administrative regimes of the economic activities start, mandatory requirements and procedures of state control, based on the level of potential hazard controlled entity (object). The article presents a general description of all the risk management systems, which are currently used in 12 kinds of control. The authors developed a target model of the risk-based approach in the sphere of state control, and formulated 10 basic principles, the implementation of which will create a high-performance risk management system in the monitoring activities.
The article analyzes problems and prospects of self-administration development in the subjects of the Baikal region (Irkutsk Oblast, Republic of Buryatia, and Transbaikal Region). The article uses the empirical data obtained by the author in the course of sociological research in Irkutsk Oblast, Republic of Buryatia and Transbaikal Region in 2014–2015. The research aimed at the exposure of specifics and peculiarities of the functioning models of local self-administration in the three regions. It was established that thanks to amendments to the Russian legislation, concerning local self-administration, the three subjects of the Russian Federation currently search for the most optimal model of operation of municipal power. This concerns the abolishment of the direct mayor elections and the introduction of a “city manager” institution, not very good performance of a hired administration head and the return of the direct elections. The research results showed that the majority of experts spoke in favor of direct mayor elections, some supported appointment of all heads at all levels, and the minority opted for a model of local self-administration with the “city manager” institute and elections of the head of a municipal unit from the ranks of a local representative assembly. Practically no experts approved of the introduction of a two-level model of local self-administration organization in large urban districts.
The article is devoted to the issue of monitoring and evaluation of the government innovation policy. The focus is on the importance and availability of instruments of the government support at the regional level.The authors concluded that the government policy failed to provide a proper degree of the problem solution to ensure the modernization of the economy. Financial and non-financial support business is evaluated as being very important but not available enough. One of the key problems is the jitter in strategic documents and tools for implementation both at the federal and regional levels.The authors propose to set up regular assessment of the existing barriers to innovation at the regional level and compare them with each other. The article is based on the results of two surveys: business representatives, potential and actual recipients of state support, innovation business included. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the satisfaction of recipients of support and other counterparts of the quality of public institutions` interaction. As a result, the level of awareness about the activities of state development institutions was determined, and the degree of compliance with the quality of interaction between state development institutions to the expectations of support recipients was set.
The article is devoted to the city budget of Moscow for 2016 and the planning period of 2017–2018. On the basis of the analysis of effective management of the city budget of Moscow, it is shown that, despite the discrepancy of strategic objectives (the budget of development and social orientation) and negative tendencies in the economy of the region and the country in general, principles, whose consecutive realization will allow to provide steady functioning of the regional budgetary mechanism, have been put into the basis of 2016–2018 budget formation. It is noted that one of the strengths of the city budget of Moscow is preservation of the medium-term horizon of budget planning within whose development the preparation of a long-term budgetary forecast is supposed in the perspective. A package of measures, aimed at the development of the region’s profit potential and the increase of effective management of the budgetary income, as well as the directions of tax and investment policy development in Moscow have been considered. At the same time it is noted that a rather low level of the volume of receipts from regional taxes, it especially relates to the share of property taxes that possess the greatest stability and independence from the change of global and local financial and economic conditions, causes concerns. The consecutive use of program and target budgeting instruments when forming the account part of the budget of Moscow is assessed positively, at the same time it is noted that the purposes and indicators of the realized state programs have a number of essential shortcomings. The article presents positive experience of the region regarding the replacement of budgetary resources with private investments on the basis of expanded use of participation financing instruments in the budgetary practice such as life cycle contracts and concession agreements. The mechanism of debt obligations management and the main directions of the subject’s debt policy are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that as current trends of the development of public finances cause the need to increase effective management of budgetary resources, the growth of public finances efficiency is impossible until program and target budgeting technology is consecutively applied on the basis of strategic management of the budget income and expenditures.
Improving effectiveness of public supervision and inspection is at the core of public reform priorities outlined in the RF Presidential Address to the State Assembly in 2014 and 2015. To implement this priority, a system of objectives, performance indicators and expected results from the supervision and inspection activities should be designed. This article reviews international experience and empirical studies conducted in foreign countries on evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of government inspections in the area of occupational health and safety. The author emphasizes the importance of adhering to the balance of interests of all stakeholders, including employees, employers, and the state to provide comprehensive evaluation of supervisory activities. The effectiveness evaluation should not be limited to measuring effects from inspections per se. While inspections constitute an important form of enforcing regulatory requirements, they are not to be seen as the only form to implement the legal provisions. Consultation support and advice from control bodies in helping businesses to meet the legal requirements is equally important. In addition to the annual evaluation of outcomes and outputs in the subject area, there is a need to conduct periodic evaluations on the impact of inspection and supervision activities on the incident rates and fatalities.
The paper focuses on the issues of state responsibilities, entailing financial commitments, in the cultural sector as they are enshrined in legislations of the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is based on the study of the legal frameworks of 85 regions of the Russian Federation, including an analysis of open access documents published by 1 February, 2016, using data from the reference legal system Consultant Plus (regional legislation) and the official web-sites of local governments of the Russian Federation. The paper identifies and examines statutory duties of the Russian Federation subjects in the cultural sector: general responsibilities, responsibilities for the sub-sectors (museums, libraries, cultural and leisure activities, performing arts, cinema, cultural heritage), responsibilities in supporting artists and creative activities, as well as financial and material aspects of regional cultural legislation. The analysis reveals common problems in the current regional legislation that has serious gaps in the set of the statutory duties. The paper identifies specific approaches to solve them in some regions of the Russian Federation, including those which have no analogues at the federal level. The development of these approaches can be used to improve federal and regional legislation in the cultural sector.
The subject of the research is public assessment of civil servants’ performance in providing public services in the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation (FMS). The aim of the research is to determine the main factors that influenced the level of public satisfaction with public services. The research is based on the hypothesis that perception of the quality of public l services depends not only on their content and administrative provision, but also on the factors, which characterize civil servants’ performance as well as specific features of the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The following factors are considered: satisfaction with the waiting time in queues, satisfaction with politeness and competence of civil servants, the number of employees of the territorial bodies of FMS, the income level of citizens in regions, the level of migration in regions and some other factors. To determine the significance of these factors the factor analysis method is used. The data are received from the federal information system «Vash kontrol’» and the Federal Statistics Service of the Russian Federation as they were in 2014. As a result of the factor analysis the most and the least satisfied recipients of public services are classified on the regional basis. The study highlights a great influence of the migration factor – the higher the level of migration in the region, the lower the citizens’ satisfaction with public services. The results of the study can serve as a basis for further research on the best regional practices of public services provision. Furthermore, they can help identify the regions in need of a more careful monitoring of public services provision.
The goal: overall analysis of the prior experience and future perspectives of the implementation of the performance public management model. The findings: performance management principle is now commonly used in upgrading the public management systems within the “new public management” framework. As the analysis of the current Russian and foreign implementation practices shows, this principle is still the key requirement for the adequate quality of public services. The findings suggest that the transformation to the next stage of the performance management public services is needed. New aspects of the research: the findings of the research indicate that the major goal of the transformation should be the transition of result-oriented principles from secondary to primary, core positioning in the system of public management. In this case the performance management model can become a new model of public management that synthesizes and enforces advantages of the currently applied models. The article discusses the requirements for the implementation of such a transition. As a result of the transition, the entire public management system in Russia should become a result-based one. The article is based on the research of the public management efficiency, conducted as a part of the RANEPA’s projects during 2013–2016.