

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

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National Research University
Higher School of Economics
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Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

Jaroslav Dvorak1, Remigijus Civinskas2
  • 1 Associate Professor Head of Department of Public Administration and Political Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Klaipeda University, H. Manto 84, 92294 Klaipeda, Lithuania.
  • 2 Doctor of Humanity, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Vytautas Magnus University, 23-604 V.Putvinskio str., Kaunas, Lithuania.

The Sweden Model of Information Exchange and Partnership between Stakeholders: The Case of Posting Workers

2019. No. 1. P. 190–210 [issue contents]
In perspective of posted workers policy implementation, the area is based on the performance of special agencies and specific networks of other actors. This network has a number of disadvantages in terms of cooperation. National public agencies have formal independence in assurance of single market functioning. At the same time, their regulatory effectiveness depends on administrative cooperation on the EU or bilateral level as well as national level and not necessary beneficial for both sides. The policy implementation is partially based on horizontal cooperation, a proactive approach, and interaction between agencies and stakeholders. Former researches identify three main cooperation types: 1) administrative on EU level (mostly between labour inspectorates as well others co called competent authorities); 2) administrative cooperation on the national level (labour inspectorates, social insurance boards, tax authorities. In some countries outside actors are involved i.e. trade unions, NGO); 3) policy formation level cooperation (governments, political parties, responsible ministries and social partners. This cooperation mode is identifi ed on the national and EU levels) (Cremers, 2013; Hartlapp, 2014; Kullmann, 2015; Benz, Corcaci, Wolfgang Doser, 2016; Voss, Faioli et al., 2016; Hartlapp, Heiidbreder, 2018 ).
The main aim of this article is to examine the main determinants of cooperation and better communication between stakeholders in the EU countries on the posting workers policy issue. The following questions guide the research: 1) What is the cooperation status and information exchange between stakeholders involved in posting policy issues in the Baltic states, Sweden and Poland?; 2) How and to what extent does information exhange between stakekeholders influence cooperation in the Baltic states, Sweden and Poland in the field of posting workers? These research questions integrate and consolidate the theoretical and practical evidence in the field of administration, social dialogue, protection of rights of posting workers into an explanatory framework that makes it possible to explain differences and similarities of the labour inspectorate trade union, business organization practice in the selected EU states.

Citation: Dvorak, Ya. & Tsivinskas, R. (2019). Shvedskaia model obmena informatsiey i partnerstva sredi zainteresovannykh subektov: Primer komandirovannykh rabotnikov [The Sweden Model of Information Exchange and Partnership between Stakeholders: The Case of Posting Workers]. Public Administration Issues, no 4, pp. 190–210 (in Russian).
ISSN 1999-5431
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