

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

Post. address:
National Research University
Higher School of Economics
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Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

Natalya Kostko1, Irina Pecherkina2, Alena Popkova3
  • 1 Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of General and Economic Sociology;University of Tyumen. , 6 Volodarsky Str., 625003 Tyumen, Russia.
  • 2 Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Business;University of Tyumen , 6 Volodarsky Str., 625003 Tyumen, Russia.
  • 3 Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Municipal Management, Tyumen Industrial university, 38 Volodarsky Str., 625003 Tyumen, Russia.


2024. No. 4. P. 79–102 [issue contents]

The article analyzes the willingness to accept the polysubjectivity of city development management by all its participants. The answer to the research question: do representatives of  municipal authorities, businesses, NGOs see the population  as a subject of urban development management, demonstrates the difference in the approaches between the main actors. The essential characteristic of the concept of "citizen subjectivity" is substantiated taking into account the analysis of two concepts of urban development: new municipalism and smart city. The paper draws on the results of a mass survey of residents of six cities of the Tyumen region (the total sample size is 2,860 people) and interviews with experts (65 expert interviews with representatives of government, business, non-profit organizations of thesame cities). The findings of the study demonstrate that the imperfection of the existing horizontal links presents an obstacle to the embodiment of the subjective role of citizensin the processes of urban development. The unequ al or uneven opportunities available to the actors of city management (in terms of access to information, budgetaryresources, infrastructure, services, etc.) often become a significant barrier to constructive interaction. The principal challenge in accepting the subjectivity of residents is the lack of synchronization between the development goals and the strategies for achieving them collectively by the actors involved in urban development management. It is argued that constructive interaction is possible when common, shared values, motives, and competencies of  the significant actors of modern city management – namely, the authorities, businesses, and the urban population – are formed in the urban space.


Kostko, N.A., Pecherkina, I.F. and Popkova, A.A. (2024) ‘Newprinciples of management:interactionbetween the mainactors of the city’, Public Administration Issues, 4, pp. 79-102. (In Russian). DOI: 10.17323/1999-5431-2024-0-4-79-102.

ISSN 1999-5431
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