Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2010 no4 contents:
Modernization and technological development of economy of region, its passingto the innovative way of development requires not only the increase ofeffi ciency to use of accessible resources, creation of potential for innovative developmentbut also supposes serious organizational and structural changes in activity ofregional public authorities, responsible for realization of regional economic policy.Th e structure of the regional economic department in these terms must bebuilt not in accordance with the economic structure of the economy of the region(of a particular branch approach), but in accordance with the structure of the generatedincomes (project approach). The article considers some trends of perfection of the structure of regionaleconomic policy in new terms, transformation of its aims, tasks and functions,entailing change of approaches, methods of work and structural organization ofthe regional economic department, responsible for a success of its realization (anexample of the Karelia Republic). |
The author analyzes an effective usage of the regional resources in agriculturalproduction; estimates the dynamics of change of the production of agriculturalproducts in the region; analyzes provisions balance in terms of food stuff . The author reveals a competition that exists between the regions for the volumes ofbudget support of the regions. The article offers some instruments to raise competition of the agricultural branch by stimulating development of agricultural businessand small forms of farming in the village. |
The importance of developing small enterprise at all levels (federal, regional, municipal)is pressing in Russia now. Solving this matter is seen to be a possibilityto speed up modernization of the economy in Russia, to transfer it to an innovativeway of development and to fi nd more effi cient models to support small enterprise.Since forming small enterprise takes place at the municipal level, it is therethat our attention must be focused on.Th e author singles out three main stages of the interaction of small businesswith local authorities: the fi rst stage (from 1990 to 2003) is a period of an activesearch for models of support; the second stage (from 2003 to 2007) is a period oflocal government reforms an its further development; the third stage (from early2008 to the present time) is a period of passive activity of the local administrationbodies and limited possibilities to support small enterprise. Th e article also characterizesthese three stages. |
Peculiarities of the obligatory medical insurance system (OMIS) and form varietyof the OMIS will be considered in this article at the regional and municipallevel. In conclusion the analysis of planning over patching in the OMIS in connectionwith a new version of the federal statute № 212 of 24.07.2009 and a new bill«About obligatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation» will be made.Th is article is based on the own empirical research that was conducted withinthe period of November 2006 to June 2010 in the municipal bodies of Kirov,Arkhangelsk, Kostroma and Kaliningrad Regions, in Altai Territory, Republic ofAltai, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Bashkortostan.Th e majority of the collected materials is devoted to problems of municipalhealth services and to survival mechanisms of primary medical institutions withinthe modern administration system in the conditions of a fi nancial defi cit, a weakmaterial and technical basis and a lack of qualifi ed personnel. In the research conductedthe following methods were used: statistical data analysis for each region,fi nancial and other offi cial documentation analysis of medical institutions, the interviewingof local experts and healthcare personnel. |
Smoking is a problem, bringing signifi cant social and economic costs to Russiansociety. However, ratifi cation of the World health organization Framework conventionon tobacco control makes it possible to improve Russian legislation accordingto the international standards. So, I describe some measures that should be taken bythe Russian authorities in the nearest future, and I examine their effi ciency. By studyingthe international evidence I analyze the impact of the smoke-free areas, advertisementand sponsorship bans, tax increases, etc. on the prevalence of smoking, cigaretteconsumption and some other indicators. I also investigate the obstacles confrontingthe Russian authorities when they introduce new policy measures and the public attitudetowards these measures. I conclude that there is a number of easy-to-implementanti-smoking activities that need no fi nancial resources but only a political will. |
This article covers 1) the consideration of some basic aspects of housing policyall over the country; 2) pressing problems related to the realization of the mainstate measures in the housing sector; 3) government support of people’s needs forthe housing improvement; 4) expansion of the house lending; 5) optimization ofthe house building rate. Th e article includes the integrated rating of specifi c organizations and describessome diff erent indicators of the market mechanisms and public administrationin the house building sector and mortgage crediting. |
The article examines the peculiarities of the organisation of foreign economicactivity in the Region of Southern Denmark, describes the role of the associationsof municipalities in the region, the signifi cance of clusters in the managementof foreign economic activity; the article highlights the mechanism ofconsulting and informational support given to medium and small enterprisesin their export activity; describes international programmes of cooperation inexport activity. |
The article observes the current situation of one of the trends of the electronicgovernment concept – “electronic participation”. It discusses the dynamicsof this concept in the EU countries and the current mechanism of the feedbackwithin electronic (computer) participation. Th e article presents the results ofthe analysis of the computer participation level in the RF as well as the resultsof the feedback of the federal bodies of the executive power for the period of 2007-2009. It has been discovered that out of the standard multiple choice whichconsisted of eleven mechanisms of feedback, only six are good for a computerparticipation in the RF. |
This article is devoted to the consideration of the Federal Statute № 210-F3 of 27 July 2010 “About the organization of state and municipal servicesprovision”. Th is is connected with a change for an electronic way of providingpublic administration services and executing its functions by using a universalelectronic map. Th e Statute gives, for the fi rst time, a defi nition of the universalelectronic map. It has provisions on the organization of the activity to issue, togive out and to operate electronic maps, as well as provisions about the order ofgiving out and delivering universal electronic maps; about the refusal of peopleto receive the map; about providing citizens with services within the frameworkof the electronic bank supplement. Th e Statute fully refl ects the currentsituation in the organization of providing public and municipal administrationservices. |
Differentiation of responsibility for the objects in the electric power engineering field between the Russian Federation and its subjects is realized in compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The system analysis of the mechanism of providing and differentiating powers (responsibilities) between the Russian Federation and its subjects in compliance with the norms of legal acts on the electric power engineering and the provision of article 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation results in a substantiated conclusion that there is a core of the federal normative legal basis on the electric power engineering. The system of the normative legal acts in the electric power engineering witnesses the fact that according to the general rule regal regulations of relations in the field considered is realized by the federal bodies of the state power. The state power bodies of the subjects of the RF realize their powers after the model of “Residual (remaining) competence” and are only eligible to make normative legal acts on the electric power engineering abiding by the federal laws.Differentiation of powers between the federal and regional administration isof great significance. Necessary legal regulation of this matter is a precondition torespect the economic rights of the electric power engineering subjects. |
The article examines the role of ICT in enhancing the efficiency of the localgovernment. The problems of forming an electronic municipality in mega cities are a primary tool for improving the quality of services to citizens and organizations.The author puts forward four basic conditions for successful management of building e-municipality in а large city. The author's claims are based on actual completed projects and experience of implementing a long-term targeted program «electronic Omsk» |