Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2013 no3 contents:
The article is devoted to the topical issues of the program based method of cooperation management processes in the CIS. It provides an overview of global experience in the development and implementation of international programs. There are offered their possible classification criteria and analysis of currently existing preparation and execution mechanisms of international programs and the direction of their improvement in CIS. The aim of the article is to discover deficiencies of the organizational process, to explore methodology "blank spots" оf the CIS regulations and to propose adequate solutions. The main conclusion is that the active procedure hampers CIS integration, and it has to be reworked. This article was prepared on the basis of HSE research in the development of the "Interstate program of innovation cooperation among the CIS up to 2020," adopted by the CIS Heads of Government Council, October 18, 2011. |
The paper addresses the world-wide tendency of health care fragmentation and explores the ways how to overcome it. The international developments are discussed but the focus is on the health sector in the Russian Federation. The major objective of the paper is to evaluate the level of fragmentation/integration in the delivery of care, as well as to suggest organizational and economic mechanisms of strengthening integration. The conceptual model of integration is suggested with the focus on three characteristics – teamwork, coordination and continuity of care. They are affected by the instruments of integration – joint clinical guidelines, information exchange, and integrated methods of payment. A set of indicators is developed to evaluate each integration characteristic (around 50 in sum). The empirical data is collected based on the survey of 1500 physicians in three regions of Russia. The survey indicates that outpatient physicians don’t contact much with hospitals doctors before in the process and after hospital admission; joint work of curative and diagnostic services providers is at its initial stage; the readiness of patients for admission is very low as a result of poor teamwork. The continuity of care indicators shows low frequency of easy transfers of patients from an acute care stage to long term and rehabilitative stages. Policy implications are discussed with the focus on economic incentives. It is argued that more integrated units of health care payment should be used –those which cover both outpatient and inpatient care. In the context of the Russian Federation the most promising instrument is "policlinic as a fundholder" (fundholding) which creates strong incentives for outpatient care to plan inpatient care and work closer with hospitals and other providers. It also encourages the role of district physician as a gatekeeper and coordinator. We conclude with the point that strengthening integration should become an independent area of health policy. |
Program budgeting is directed at the increase of efficiency of the public sector. Development of state programs unites all instruments to achieve the objectives of the state policy. Thus, it is not in all realized programs that target indicators are carried out and the planned results are reached, at the same time in the conditions of restriction of budgetary appropriations the problem of assessment of their efficiency becomes very important. In the article features of state programs are analyzed, approaches to the assessment of the efficiency of state programs are considered. Structural units and elements of the efficiency of state programs are allocated, the efficiency condition – existence of a direct interrelation between actions and the assessment indicators which is shown on the example of the program in the field of health care is formulated. The authors specify and define the concept of efficiency in relation to the results of the programs implementation and investigate aspects of efficiency. Approaches to the assessment of the efficiency of the budget programs are described. The important issue of the program efficiency evaluation still remains unresolved despite the fact that many evaluation methods and techniques can be used. Therefore questions of reliability and relevance of indicators continue to remain as most important ones. The principles of the assessment of the efficiency and the criteria of the efficiency of budgetary expenses are found during the realization of state programs. Examples of the indicators are given and the algorithm which can be used to assess the efficiency of ecological programs is offered. The article analyzes methods of monitoring and the assessment of programs. It proves that a complex assessment of efficiency allows to estimate objectively the effect of the financial resources invested by the state and to define the efficiency of the realization of the state policy in priority spheres. |
This article was prepared on the basis of the proposals of its author, included in the report of the expert group, set up under the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12 February 2013 to identify measures of the efficiency improving of the budget spending. The author's proposals address two tasks of improving the organizational and financial mechanisms for public and municipal services: 1) the implementation of the public sector and local government agencies reform; 2) the creation of an "open" area of public and municipal services. Openness is understood in the sense that in this area state and local government agencies, as well as private, primarily non-profit organizations are functioning in competition with each other. The proposed measures are aimed at the adjustment of existing normative legal acts, as well as developing new ones. They are divided into short-term (implementation until 2016) and medium term (implementation in 2017, 2018). Analysis of the progress of the reform of institutions leads to a conclusion that today, much of it has deviated from its original purpose and is on the verge of collapse on a number of its key parameters. In this context, there are proposed measures related to: a significant increase of economic self-reliance of autonomous and budget funded institutions in the areas of planning, accounting, money management, and the transition to normative financing of the provision of the public and municipal services, ensuring greater structure conformity, content and quality of these services to the guarantees and obligations of the state, the priorities of socio-economic policy. The second task deals with the problems and measures aimed at: improving the legal regulation of the provision of public and municipal services (today in the definition of such services there is already a discrimination against private organizations as their potential suppliers); implementation of an institutional conversion of public and local government agencies (it is proposed to begin to work on the development of nonprofit organizations on the basis of state and municipal property that may be jointly established by federal and regional authorities, local authorities, as well as individuals); improvement of the mechanisms of the budget financing of public and municipal services (also it is proposed to establish a common legal framework for the provision of state and municipal grants by adopting a special federal law). |
Bureaucracy is apt to grow extensively, which manifests itself in its unreasonably broadened powers, staff increase and hence more expenses on their provision in agencies. These regularities are described by V. Niskanen in the model of "a maximizing bureaucrat." Though, this model can be changed by reforms in the public administration through central government decisions on freezing/reducing budget financing, finding and cutting down on excessive bureaucratic functions, introducing mechanisms to stimulate performance. The change of the model is especially relevant in the conditions when extra budget financing is obviously necessary to keep up with the competitive level of salaries in Civil service. It is the situation in the Russian Federation that has been lately, when decisions to increase salaries in the military and law-enforcement services have been realized, and a big salary increase in public administration for the nearest years is being planned. So, it is quite natural for the problem of saving reserves and reducing the number of employees in the public administration apparatus to arise. After analyzing the dynamics of the number of bureaucrats as such over the last years, and the number of people employed in the economy, the authors came to the conclusion that the quantity of the civil servants does not depend only on the number of the population, but also on the volume and the order of carrying out administration functions. The article indicates two main directions of making expenditures on public officers more effective: (1) by extra public administration functions and services reduction; (2) by improving the inner organization of performance, making the processes and procedures simpler, by controlling and stimulating economical spending of the means/money. The authors suggest a set of measures in the frame of these directions that can secure saving the budget money. |
The purpose of this study is to provide economic analysis of penalties through the lens of Russian tendencies to increase the absolute values of fines. The work is based on the methodological approach of the new institutional economics theory and economic analysis of law. The study reveals the conceptual framework of economic analysis of penalties, analyzes the mechanisms of influence of various factors on the performance of penalties, describes various aspects of the deterrence of rules violation taking into account type II errors, investigates complex issues of the relationship between deterrence and the risk attitude of the objects of sanctions application and factors affecting the likelihood of a violation being identified. The deterrent effect of sanctions is analyzed in view of the existence of type I and type II errors. All these factors must be considered when establishing a system of penalties for a short and long term. Besides, discussion on issues of fines performance demonstrates that there are no simple solutions. In other words there is “no free lunch” in the area of enforcement mechanisms. It means that any discussion of the state of affairs or possible changes have to be accompanied by defining what is appropriated and what is lost. In particular, it is related to correlation of types I and II errors, deterring and fiscal functions of fines. Issues of fines implementation in case of unintended damages are also discussed. The results can be used to develop policy evaluation programs for establishing and applying penalties in different areas. |
This symposium of Public Administration explores the impact of the "Great Financial Crisis" (GFC) on public services provision and delivery. This introductory article discusses the political and media "framing" and "counter-framing" of what the GFC means for reforming public service bargains. The dominant frame is that service reform and cutbacks to provision are inevitable and unavoidable. This is contrasted with the counter-frame that the GFC is being used as “cover” for "ideologically driven" reforms that policymakers would have wanted to introduce even if the crash had not occurred. Reform processes, however, are highly context-specific and frames and counter-frames are rhetorical and subjective. They emanate from deep-seated yet fragile assumptions about the economic, social, and moral capacities of markets and governments, and are therefore best understood as “mechanisms of hope” rather than distinct and rational policy prescriptions. |
The article analyses a set of measures of government support to socially oriented nonprofit organizations (SO NPOs) which were enacted in 2009–2013 in Russia. The analysis is aimed at assessing this Russian regulatory framework designed to channel government support to SO NPOs by comparing it with the tools of government, employed to facilitate cross-sector partnership in the delivery of social services in the selected foreign countries. For a theoretical framework of the investigation of interaction between government and SO NPOs we rely on the demand / supply model and in particular on the theory of market and government "failure". The employed empirical material includes full-text versions of the relevant Russian Federal norms and regulations, selected matching documents of foreign countries as well as data of sociological surveys of Russian NPOs conducted by HSE. Firstly, principles used by Russian law-makers to define legally the subsector of SO NPOs are investigated. Analysis of the tools of the government support, introduced by the enacted norms and regulations, is then arranged by the major form of support: financial, transfer of property rights, tax incentives etc. The data are featured on the scope of the government support to SO NOPs at the federal level of government and in part at the level of regions. International comparisons follow. Overall the set of measures discussed constitutes a serious positive innovation in the Russian government practices vis-à-vis SO NPOs. It shows the substantial similarity with the government tool kits, employed to support NPOs elsewhere in the world. This relates to the criteria of legal eligibility for support and to the composition of the tool kit, which includes government subsidies / grants, tax incentives etc. There remains room for expansion of the Russian tool kit. In implementing new legal norms attention must be paid to keeping administrative barriers to access to the government support reasonably low, in particular to small NPOs constituting a majority in the Russian nonprofit sector. |
The article studies interdisciplinary concept of self-regulation, particularly in its national domestic practice. Reduction in the degree of state control and regulation meets the basic idea of the administrative reform, and the authors believe that the ultimate goal should be in building up an affective chain of interacting: consumers – producers, self-regulatory organizations (SROs) – state. The forms of self-regulation in Russia are voluntary and delegated. It is noted that almost 70% of the SROs are in the construction industry. From this quantitative imbalance a conclusion is drawn about the need of a balanced and differentiated approach to the regulation of SROs. In the authors opinion, to develop self-regulation must be an important part of the reform of public administration, while practice reveals lack of the conceptual unity on the issue. One of the most important ways to improve the rules could be a framework law on SRO. It seems necessary to classify the SROs on the basis of activities and specific industries, divide them by the SRO of small, medium and large businesses. The authors propose changes in the law according to which the size of contributions of members of the SRO will be connected with the indicators of the turnover of the capital; introduce a differential classification of the SRO; to regulate the procedure for conducting inspections of the SROs. The authors emphasize the need of the introduction of standardization and regulation implemented by the SROs. There is a gap between the content of vocational education and skill requirements of the labor market, which makes urgent the task of coordinating and integrating state professional standards and state educational standards. A significant role in this process should belong to the SRO. The formulated proposals are practical and were tested by the authors in the bodies of state power, which recognized the need to revitalize these areas. |
The monograph "The State" by Yu. Tihomirov, one of the patriarchs of Russian law science, Doctor of Law, a holder of many honorary titles, is a natural continuation of his long research work in the field of the theory of state and law. His deep insight into the current situation of the state of Russia, his concern about its future determined the choice of most relevant topic for his monograph – to study the state as a phenomenon of social life, with the starting point being the necessity to substantiate the forms and ways for society to influence the state, including such regulators of social relations as the legal norms, that also need improving. |