Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2010 no2 contents:
The article uses the 2009 pool data of 1000 processing factories to consider relationship between the government and businesses and the diff erence in priorities of providing fi rms and business enterprises with the state support by public management bodies at federal, regional and municipal level. The regressive analysis results in the suggestion which substantiates the domineering position of the “model of exchanges” (unlike the “model of takeover” typical of 1990-s), more inclination of the regional authorities to support the businesses involved in modernization processes. |
The article analyses the faults of the system of managing costs which is currently used when decisions are made for socio-economic development of regions, the factors, that restrain transition to the managing of results. Th e article describes the off ered information – analytical system of managing implementation of the strategy for socio-economic development of regions that will help to solve the tasks of transition to managing according to results. |
A well-developed system of technical monitoring suggests technical regulations which set defi nite fi nancially and economically substantiated requirements for the produce and processes. Th ese requirements must be explicit, unequivocal, comprehensive and suitable for practical use. Yet so far, the requirements of obligatory parameters of security and the requirements of quality of the produce and processes have actually had the same legal status and common terms of making and providing their compliance. Th e norm-and-technical documents have still enjoyed the status of obligatory legal documents which allows agencies and citizens. It obviously contradicts the Constitution fundamentals and is a serious hindrance to the development of the economy in Russia. |
Due to Public Procurement Federal Law №94-FL buyer’s auction was implemented into the practice of Public Procurement. Th e article explores the differences between seller’s and buyer’s auctions and identifi es specifi c features of buyer’s auctions which prevent contracting authority from using this way of purchasing goods: purchasing the cheapest but worst quality good, suppliers incentives for dumping and collusion. |
The article is devoted to the research of the historical and current development of the public administration in the USA as a theory and the complex of educational programs and institutions. Th e authors survey of becoming and the peculiarities of functioning of the professional Associations connected with Public administration in the USA. |
The Russian public procurement system places serious restrictions on the choice of competitive procedure, form of the contract and enforcement strategy applied by the procurer. In this paper we present a theoretical model of a sealed bid fi rst price auction that refl ects these restrictions. Our model implies that the procurer oft en may reach an effi cient result of the competitive procedure only by breaking the restrictions forced to it by law, either by eliminating the suppliers with the low bids or using additional information about the supplier’s type in the bid assessment process. |
In the present article the author is giving reasons for a phased methodical scheme of integral estimation of the municipal formations OF development level following the example of the regional city-centers of Privolzhsky Federal District. Th e necessity of integral estimation of municipal formations is caused by the requirement to have a precise and objective information about the competitive positions of the cities, which can be used in future for making important strategical decisions of socio-economic development of the territories. On the fi rst phase the author of the article is conducting a mark-rated estimation of regional city-centers in PFD pointing out some defects of the given methods. Th en the process of the expert-parameter investigation is characterized by the determination of the weight coeffi cient of the parameters used in conducting an integral estimation of the administrative centers of the PFD regions. On the third phase a description of methods of computation of integral indices of the cities relative competitiveness is given. On the basis of computation results an estimation of socio-economic development “Kirov City” municipal formation in comparison with the other administrative centers of the PFD regions is given, as well as negative and positive aspects of Kirov competitiveness are distinguished. As a result of the investigation the author is drawing a conclusion that “Kirov City” municipal formation is the city of low-level competitiveness, though it has a certain potential of development. Th at is why the main task is to provide progressive socio-economic development of Kirov by means of competent and rational use of the available competitive advantages. |
The article considers the reforming of the organizational basis for sports preparation in the Russian Federation. In a complex or in comparison with foreign countries the administrative and legal decisions are considered, which will allow |
The article is devoted to improving professional training of the staff in public management offi ces. Th ere have been discovered a number of serious problems with the post-soviet training of specialists for the municipal service. Urgent measures are necessarfy to be taken, above all, for reforming the system of additional professional training. It is not going to be easy and is meant for long-term prospects. |
The article is concerned with observation of interrelation of management decisions and civil service functionality. Social action theory and structurefunction analysis are used as a theoretical basis for the research. Th e text is supported with some thorough empirical material relating to the theoretical issues of the article. Empirical material includes results of the opinion polls, partly participated by the author. Th e paper also contains a review of some secondary data and the retrospective analysis which demonstrates the public opinion dynamics throughout 2006-2009. |
The article includes a description of a system to monitor effi ciency of municipal authorities, evaluation of a federal monitoring introduced in 2010, and a proposal aimed at a more useful and eff ective monitoring system. Th e main drawback of the quality assessment methodology, currently being implemented in Russia by the federal authorities is a very long monitoring and assessment period. Annually-based monitoring does not allow regional governments to use it in a budgetary process and everyday governance. The probable solution for such a problem can be found in a monitoring conducted quarterly or monthly, with a smaller set of vital performance indicators. Most of currently used data is being collected by Federal statistics service on a monthly or quarterly basis, so the proposed way does not require much eff ort while provides a lot of useful, operative and proved data both to regional and municipal authorities. |