Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2019 no1 contents:
The need to increase the flexibility of the labour market and its adaptability to various shocks requires reconfiguration of its institutions by the government authorities in order to most fully correspond to modern socio-economic conditions. The main purpose of this article is to compare the two stages of labour market reform (1990–2007 and 2008–2017) in the OECD countries. The analysis focuses on the most important labour market institutions: employment protection legislation, wage setting system and active programs. The task of the study is to identify the main vector of these changes, to analyze the features and consequences of the transformations being carried out, and most importantly, answer the question whether the new regulatory norms have contributed to the labour market flexibility. The study is based on institutional analysis. In the domestic literature, the reform of the labour market in developed and transitional economies is considered either in the country aspect or in relation to specific areas of reform. The peculiarity of this work is the interrelated analysis of the reform of the three main labour market institutions, as well as getting an answer to the question of why, after almost two decades of reforms, a new reconfiguration of labour market policies was required. The main sources of statistical information are: OECD Employment and Labour Market Statistics Database; Employment Protection Database (2013 update); Database of Public expenditure and participant shares on LMP. Acquaintance with the main directions of such reforms in the OECD countries, their positive outcomes and possible negative consequences will allow the government bodies of the Russian Federation to choose the most optimal variant of institutional changes.
Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role in the development of the country’s economic potential. That is why the government has to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises by different programs of governmental support. However, the diversity of the resources which contain the information about supporting programs and low quality of mentioned information leads to the lack of timely and full awareness of small and medium business of these programs. The aim of this research paper is to find optimal way of giving full and unified information about supporting programs. In order to achieve it current legislation on electronic government, public and municipal services, state support of small and medium-sized enterprises and official electronic sources which contain information about the governmental support were analyzed. Based on the result of analysis the conclusion was made to include the support of small and medium-sized enterprises into the list and register of public and municipal services. These, in its turn, will allow to integrate given programs into the structure of the electronic government.
Currently, there is no methodological toolkit for assessing the results of public property management as overall property complex of the region. The article presents a complex approach to assessing public property management results which includes evaluating the results of certain proprietary right implementation, such as: the rights of use, disposition, and possession. The authors developed a system of indicators reflecting the results of the regional public property objects use, transferred to economic entities: public institutions, state unitary enterprises, and the results of state-owned enterprises’ shares management. Our methodology suggests a set of indicators to measure the results of public property use for state unitary enterprises and public institutions: calculated indicators, summary indicators and additional indicators, and key indicators of state-owned enterprises’ activity. This approach allows gaining complete information on changes in cost of public property, quality of the property used to provide public services, on profile and targeted use of property, income from the property use, its maintenance expenditure, sources of its growth and renewal are considered. The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of Irkutsk region public property’s use in 2016–2017. Testing of the proposed system of indicators proved the possibility of its use as a basis for the development and implementation of information and analytical decision-making systems for public property management.
The paper addresses the issue of the interrelationship between concentration of service delivery market and integration of individual medical services, measured by indicators of team work, coordination and continuity of care in outpatient and inpatient facilities. The review of the international experience indicates the growth of concentration with the major forms of hospital and hospital-physician complexes. However, the integrative activities are implemented not in all complexes and to a limited extent. There is some empirical evidence of the positive impact of a greater size of hospitals on the quality of care and unit cost reduction per hospital admission, but there is no clear-cut evidence of the positive impact of medical complexes on their performance. In Russia, the scale of the concentration is also substantial. The paper addresses specific forms of this process and its outcome. It is concluded that consolidation and mergers of health providers do not improve the performance of large medical complexes, although they have a potential for restructuring service delivery. This outcome can be attributed to the weakness of the actual integrative activities. Sociological surveys of physicians demonstrate a low level of providers’ interaction. The authors provide recommendations on the process of concentration management, of which the most important is the need for better substantiation of health providers’ mergers and the focus on reaching actual integration of service delivery. The results of the research may be of interest to health policy experts and health authorities of all levels.
Ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of Russia is largely associated with governance based on law. This relationship is not easy to detect and ensure due to the diversity of management development, despite the nomination of strategic goals, there are deviations in the legal sphere from the established goals and principles of legal regulation. The article is based on the generalization of the materials of public and economic institutions, the author’s experience of many years of participation in the preparation of draft laws and other legal acts and the study of their implementation. The data of social research and scientific materials on this topic were used. During the analysis of the problems it was possible to identify the system of legal regulators, through which the strategic and national goals of the country and individual areas of economic development are established. Changes oft en occur without deep justification and the introduction of a management mechanism, and as a result, the subjects of management seem to break away from the objects of influence and act in their own «management circle». An important vector of development of management is the active use of the human factor and the participation of citizens in the management of state affairs. In the meantime, the passivity of people and the diversity of their social and legal roles, which are always consistent with the principles of democracy and the rule of law, are observed. Public institutions may be left without the support of citizens. Meanwhile, the sociology of law and legal psychology contribute to an increase in the «zone» of lawful behavior and the effectiveness of legal decisions and actions. It is necessary to take into account the influence of the external environment on the legal consciousness and behavior of citizens. The behavioural mechanism of governance and law is changing due to an increasing share of new information technologies. Digitalization aff ects the competence of the authorities and the implementation of decisions, the style of management personnel, the overall regulatory space. Robotics programs expand the possibilities of narrowing accounting and financial transactions, increase the volume of forecasting and analytical management functions. It requires a consistent solution of legal, organizational and other tasks. The main thing is to improve the quality of management to achieve the strategic goals of the country.
The involvement of young people in public service is one of the most important tasks, which allows solving many problems of public organizations. The rejuvenation of the aging staff, the adoption of new approaches in the public administration system, a new look at professional activities, high motivation for change – this is not a complete list of the opportunities provided through the recruitment of young people. Many Russian regions have realized these advantages and are implementing interesting and successful programs to hire young professionals. The purpose of this study is to compare and summarize the experience of the most successful regions of the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management in governmental and municipal organizations. The main hypothesis of the study is that the current model of attracting personnel to the state and municipal service in the Russian Federation creates the necessary prerequisites for the recruitment and retention of young employees. To test this hypothesis, the following methods of empirical research were used: synthesis of normative documents, systematization of scientifi c conferences data, quantitative and qualitative processing of the data of National competition «Best personnel practices in the state civil and municipal service» for 2015–2017, a substantial analysis of the Internet sites of more than 200 state and municipal organizations, expert interviews with representatives of selected state and municipal organizations. The results obtained allow authors to characterize the current model of employment in the civil service in the Russian Federation as feasible, and the mission of attracting young people to work in state and municipal organizations as possible. The regions are compared by evaluating their unique human resource management practices. As a result recommendations for state and municipal organizations that contribute to the involvement of the most professional and motivated youth in the public service are formulated. The authors substantiate the need to use the possibilities of legal, financial, administrative and competence (professional) approaches of the current model of employment in the Russian Federation for the state and municipal service to rejuvenate its personnel.
In perspective of posted workers policy implementation, the area is based on the performance of special agencies and specific networks of other actors. This network has a number of disadvantages in terms of cooperation. National public agencies have formal independence in assurance of single market functioning. At the same time, their regulatory effectiveness depends on administrative cooperation on the EU or bilateral level as well as national level and not necessary beneficial for both sides. The policy implementation is partially based on horizontal cooperation, a proactive approach, and interaction between agencies and stakeholders. Former researches identify three main cooperation types: 1) administrative on EU level (mostly between labour inspectorates as well others co called competent authorities); 2) administrative cooperation on the national level (labour inspectorates, social insurance boards, tax authorities. In some countries outside actors are involved i.e. trade unions, NGO); 3) policy formation level cooperation (governments, political parties, responsible ministries and social partners. This cooperation mode is identifi ed on the national and EU levels) (Cremers, 2013; Hartlapp, 2014; Kullmann, 2015; Benz, Corcaci, Wolfgang Doser, 2016; Voss, Faioli et al., 2016; Hartlapp, Heiidbreder, 2018 ). The main aim of this article is to examine the main determinants of cooperation and better communication between stakeholders in the EU countries on the posting workers policy issue. The following questions guide the research: 1) What is the cooperation status and information exchange between stakeholders involved in posting policy issues in the Baltic states, Sweden and Poland?; 2) How and to what extent does information exhange between stakekeholders influence cooperation in the Baltic states, Sweden and Poland in the field of posting workers? These research questions integrate and consolidate the theoretical and practical evidence in the field of administration, social dialogue, protection of rights of posting workers into an explanatory framework that makes it possible to explain differences and similarities of the labour inspectorate trade union, business organization practice in the selected EU states.
The article analyzes the place and role of the Russian Federation in the system of international anti-corruption cooperation, examines the political and legal mechanism of implementing the signed international conventions, treaties and agreements by the Russian state and the authorized bodies of. The author substantiates the position that the most important prerequisite for the success of international cooperation is not only the coherence of policies, anti-corruption strategies and related instruments, but also the presence of appropriate political will, constructive action through the head of the state and the Government, the Prosecutor General’s office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, law enforcement and judicial authorities, departments of the financial and economic block, control and supervisory structures. It is emphasized that the practice of combating corruption requires not ordinary-conjuncture, but conceptual-in-depth analysis of the political, legal, economic, social and moral components of international anti-corruption cooperation, scientifically sound, systematic and constructive action.