Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2017 no3 contents:
The government effectiveness increase remains a challengeable task in the current management research and practice agenda for the last decade. At the same time experts rather often propose as a solution tool for this task a formalized and complete description of federal executive authorities’ activity. The goal of this paper is the development of the automated federal authorities’ powers registry conception as a means to describe executive authorities’ activity. The registry implementation will help to realize the transfer to a new order of resource support for government authorities’ activity. In this paper we demonstrate the conception of legal regulation for the Registry (doing changes in President’s Order of March 9, 2004 № 314 «About a System and Structure of Federal Executive Authorities») and means of its update. The authors propose to manage the Registry in the format of government information system. The links between the Registry and other relevant government information systems are outlined as well. We describe possible attributes in the Registry. We design a mechanism for relationship establishment by means of the Registry between federal authorities’ powers and their provision process with personnel and fi nancial resources (including necessary changes in budgetary process).
The main scientific goal of the paper is to assess the current level of human capital in civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to forecast the trends of its development. The first part of the paper highlights the problem of the essence of human capital and its role in production. Based on the general theory of human capital, special attention is paid to the study of the human capital in government bodies, which has significant differences in a number of parameters from the total human capital. The existing methods of estimating and forecasting human capital have been researched. The second main part of the article is devoted to selecting the indicators of the current level of human capital on civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and forecasting their trends. In the third part the authors made an attempt to predict the quantitative indicators of human capital of public service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The methodological basis of the article is a comprehensive scientific study of human capital of civil service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the result of which is the calculation of the forecast of human capital indicators of civil service. The research empirical base is formed by official statistical data, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey of the labor-intensive part of the population, including civil servants. It was concluded that the share of civil servants in the total population in the medium term will decrease, while the share of women in the civil service tends to increase. Lack of forecasting of human capital of civil service can lead to ineffectiveness of public investments in the training of managerial personnel and increase in the number of non-demanded specialists in public service.
Effect assessment recently becomes crucial for antitrust enforcement in developed countries. Russian antitrust legislation also allows assessment of pro-efficiency effects and their comparison with anti-competitive effects for several types of the actions that are potentially illegal under the law ‘On protection of competition’. Better implementation of the effects assessment requires special analysis of the recent developments in the enforcement, and that is the objective of this article. Articles explains common features and differences between the pairs of decision rules such as effect-based vs. object-based enforcement and rule of reason (ROR) vs per se illegality. We show that effect-based approach in Russian enforcement should improve social welfare. At the same time legislation and motivation of Russian competition authority allow to take into account positive impact of the practice in the fi eld of the effi ciency but does not strictly require this approach. The analysis use dataset of judicial reviews of the infringement decisions of Russian competition authority (FAS) on agreements and concerted practice during the period 2008–2012 (400 decisions overall). We found that efficiency considerations (taking into account the Article 13 conditions of the law ‘On protection of competition’) rarely determine the outcome of judicial review of infringement decision (only 5 cases from 400). Also, if competition authorities and judges take efficiency considerations into account they do it in arbitrary manner without full quantitative assessment.
The growth of socio-demographic and material-resource problems puts the state in front of the need to involve non-state organizations in providing the population with social welfare services. New principles and tools used in the social welfare sphere are consonant with the theory of Good Governance. Based on the cases of three Russian regions – leaders in the process of diversifying the social welfare service sector (Bashkortostan, Perm, Ugra) – the article assesses the effectiveness of the development of social welfare services, which is based on the analysis of regional registers of social welfare services providers and other materials of federal ministries and regional authorities. The authors proceeded from the assumption that different models of institutionalization of new service providers are possible in the regions, which correlates with their resource potential, as well as with management approaches implemented by regional elites. The following models are distinguished: institutional substitution – transformation of state and municipal institutions into non-governmental organizations (mainly Bashkortostan); Institutional inclusion – Inclusion in social welfare services of existing small business entities (mainly Perm); Primary institutionalization – the emergence of new actors in the market of social welfare services, initially focused on activities in this area (mainly Ugra). It is concluded that the model of institutional substitution is least intended for developing a competitive market of social welfare services and thus correlates with the principal of Good Governance.
The results of research on the use of social contracts in subjects of the Russian Federation are presented in the article. An analysis of dynamics of annual statistical data of the RF Ministry of Labor concerning the provision of economically disadvantaged citizens with social assistance has been carried out. The information was provided by federal authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation during the years 2013–15 (and in case of some indicators in 2016) within the powers to implement the federal plan of statistical work. The analysis was carried out in the context of subjects of the Russian Federation for the scope of provision their citizens with such assistance, the amount of payments, its frequency, the area of residence of assistance receivers, and also the indicators of effectiveness assessment of the social contract within the framework of regional events conduction, provided for by programs of social adaptation. The problems, which the receivers of such assistance face, have been analyzed. The research was carried out in 85 regions on the basis of the comparison method by studying regional differences and similarities. The practical meaning of formulated conclusions is manifested in the possibility of lowering the barrier which prevents receiving such assistance, and proposals on formation of automatic records of social contracts concluded by economically disadvantaged citizens, that can be used by regional authorities of the Russian Federation as recommendations. A methodology of effectiveness assessment of the social contract on the basis of formula calculations, including a number of indices (indices for the calculation of payment amounts under social contracts in the regions: index of economic needs of the family; index of social needs of the family; index of family risks) and the ratio of zoning, which takes into account the economic potential of an area within subjects of the Russian Federation. For detection of actual effectiveness of the social contract at the level of a particular family in terms of dealing with poverty, it has been proposed to make a «post-assessment of the situation of a family/citizen» 1.5–2 years after the contract conclusion.
In the current economic crisis, the formation and development of the tourist attraction of the municipality is one of the strategic directions of socio-economic activities of the modern states. Despite the high tourism potential of Russian territories, studying the trends, shaping tourist attractiveness of municipalities of the Russian Federation, has allowed to identify the most significant problem areas of development. The empirical base of the study presented a data expert interview of the heads of authorities of local municipalities of the Russian Federation, the results of the population survey, data of the Federal Service of State Statistics, the results of studies by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTSIOM), by the Fund «Public Opinion» (FOM) and others. As a result of the survey of experts and the public in the Russian Federation it has been now formed a certain contradiction between a high tourism potential of local municipalities, the unique importance of territorial resources and a low level of tourist attraction. The article defines the priorities for the development of tourist attractiveness of Russian territories in present-day conditions. The heterogeneity, a high level of differentiation in the level of development of tourism infrastructure results in the need to consolidate resources of different types of municipalities. Mutually beneficial cooperation of several municipalities allows consolidating existing resources, significantly diversify objects of the tourist show, to provide differentiated tourist services. The results confirm that the regions and urban districts can act as main actors, catalyzing the development of tourist attractiveness of a single territorial space.
Government agencies are actively implementing performance measurement instruments (PM). The effect of these instruments on civil servants’ work environment is understudied. This study explores the link between performance measurement system implementation and civil servants’ job satisfaction. We analyze data from a survey of 277 civil servants using structural equation modeling (SEM). Our results show that employees working in organizations with implemented PM systems are more satisfied with their jobs, demonstrate lower turnover intention, and are more result-oriented. These employees also show a higher organizational identifi cation and have a clearer vision of organizational goals. The survey results indicate that PM tools have a significant potential in increasing job satisfaction among civil servants.
The article empirically checks the hypothesis about weak discipline of following the regulations and procedures by civil servants in federal and regional public administrations due to insufficient level of salaries and significance of patronage links for carrier promotion, rather than qualitative work. The research showed that despite the original hypothesis, civil servants have a high enough level of labor motivation on the whole, irrelatively to salaries and carrier connections. Their labor motivation is based on carrying out assigned tasks on time and widely spread practice to work overtime and on weekends and holidays. The results of research allow to distinguish such factors of labor motivation as social status, stability and reliability of the occupation, if to compare with by far higher instability of employment in private business, self-realization and deserved carrier promotion (primarily for younger respondents) as heads of departments, or connection with something great – serving for the good of the country, social (civil) service. Under-pay for employees of the lowest and middle levels brings about stafffl ow (instability), thus decreasing the significance of motivation. Paradoxically though, this attracts people to pubic administration for whom salary does not matter much. At the same time high motivation and work ethics do not result in effective work and performance, especially when it concerns fulfi lling tasks and directives.
The article describes legal and organizational aspects of the formation of public land resources strategic management concept in the Russian Federation. It is shown that the current state of land laws, as well as implementation of the delineated in the field major functions by state authorities do not entirely provide a complex solution to integrate land resources for a sustainable socio-economic development of society. In order to resolve problems on the basis of the concept of public strategic management of land resources formulated by the author, some proposals are made to improve land legislation and legislation in the sphere of state strategic planning. State strategic land-use management is defi ned as activities of public authorities aimed at ensuring balanced land resources for a sustainable socio-economic development in the long term. This work suggests that the main functions of state land management (state land cadastre, zoning, spatial planning, etc.), should come from equal consideration of the properties of the earth as a natural resource, property and spatial basis of development. In order to determine the object’s state strategic management, the article considers it necessary to put down the category of Land Fund in the legislation of the Russian Federation. The work emphasizes the importance of a more consistent harmonization of legislation on state strategic planning, land and natural resources legislation.
The authors carry out a comparative analysis of management practices regional development due to the capitalization of cultural resources on the example of three European cultural centers – Stratford-upon-Avon, Weimar and Yasnaya Polyana. Structure relationship of key development actors within each of the three regions were analyzed by the method of «Environmental Profile, a comparative analysis was conducted using the theory of stakeholders, as well as territorial benchmarking. The au thors conclude that the tourist industry has become a key tool for the capitalization of cultural heritage in all three regions. Management practice of capitalizing on the cultural heritage should ensure the transformation of the place into a «tourist destination », a friendly and comfortable environment inseparable from the attractive cultural value of this place. Comparative analysis of the life-cycle stages of development destinations in Stratford, Weimar and Yasnaya Polyana was held to learn how they helped enpower tourism flows and increase profits of the creative economy. The authors show that successful modern tourist destinations implement multi-stakeholder management practices to ensure the formation of unique comfortable and accessible landscapes for both tourists and local residents.