Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2014 no1 contents:
A new administrative reform was launched 10 years ago. It developed in a few main directions. First, the whole block of functions of the Federal and Regional bodies of the executive power was subject to revision. The task to do away with the excessive and duplicate functions both of the executive power bodies and their subordinate organizations was set and partially realized. Second, the procedure of performing the functions, that were acknowledged to be necessary, have been improved and regulated. This made it possible to simplify and to reduce the difficulties of interaction of the citizens and business with the public administration to some extent Third, performance management technologies which include program targeted tools and estimates of the administration’s work are being actively inculcated. Thus, new conditions have been created for the transition to budgeting the performance management of the public administration, and to forming the budget according to the program principle. Fourth, the executive power has become more open from the information point of view and prepared to interact with civil society. The open government has been set up, standards of an "open ministry" and "open region" have been worked out, open data are being actively formed. Analysis of numerous investigations showed a certain positive result of all these measures. Pussia’s rates on using new technologies by the public administration have increased. However, business climate has not noticeably improved, and the rates of the economic growth have decreased. The slowing down might have been higher but for the realized reforms. The current situation depends significantly on the fact, that the principles proclaimed at the beginning of the administrative reform have not been completely realized. It refers first of all to the elimination of the excessive state functions, which can especially be seen in the field of control and supervision. The inculcated procedures of estimating the regulation impact of the standard acts projects have not become a real barrier for ineffective excessive regulations. The adopted administrative regulations have made bureaucracy more transparent and specified the measure of its responsibility, but the potential of simplification of the administrative procedures has not been fully realized in especially interdepartmental relations. As for the performance management tools, they have not been coordinated so far and often misguide public administration of the Federal, regional and municipal levels. Citizens’ participation in public administration, the feed-back system is not effective enough. Many of the deficiencies considered above are brought about by the natural problems of innovations development and inculcation, which need approving and adjusting. However, in many cases insufficient look into the reform, bad coordination, inconsistency and imbalance of the steps in reforming of the administrative system may give a negative result. |
The subject matter of the article is the measures taken by the public administration bodies and municipal authorities to improve the quality of public and municipal services. The goal of the article is to assess the government’s efforts to increase the quality, accessibility of public services and the results of 10 years of the administrative reform in the Russian Federation. Conclusions are drawn on the results of sociological polls. The article systematizes the main steps, goals, expectations and efforts to increase the quality of public and municipal services that the bodies of public administration and self governance have made during 10 years of the administrative reform. The data of the sociological poll on the results of this work held by the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation in 2011– 2013 and headed by the author of the article, are analyzed and presented here. A positive result of the system efforts to increase the quality of public and municipal services can be ascertained on the basis of the research conclusions. It, in the long run, reveals itself in the growing satisfaction of recipients of the services both at the start and in the last years of the reform. Research of 2013 showed that 77.7% of the respondents estimated the quality of the services provided for them as satisfactory (74.6% in 2011; 75.5% in 2012). Conclusions: a) during 10 years of the administrative reform in the Russian Federation system and goal-oriented efforts to increase the quality of public and municipal services have been undertaken by the bodies of public administration and of local self – governance; b) these efforts, despite some problems that still exist, give tangible positive results, thus increasing the level of citizens’ satisfaction with the services they receive; c) to achieve the set ambitious satisfaction level goal of 90% by 2018, it is necessary to continue working hard within the framework of the administrative reform, including additional measures to achieve the goals. This experience suggests that analogous system efforts could be useful for making better other services, including social services, provided by the public and municipal administration bodies either under their control or with their direct participation. Such efforts could be useful for making citizens more satisfied with the performance of the public and local administration bodies as well. |
Licensing is one of the main administrative tools used for state regulation of the economy. It can serve as a fairly accurate «barometer» of the administrative burden, which the government provides the business with.
This article analyzes the licensing of certain types of economic activities in the context of the whole system of administrative regimes of the economy. The authors conclude that the legal acts regulating the licensing can be a model for the regulation of other administrative regimes.
Special attention is paid to the history of transformation of the licensing system for the past 20 years, including the period of the administrative reform. The paper assesses the effectiveness of the measures taken in the framework of the reform. The authors concluded that, despite some deregulation, in many cases replacing licensing in other administrative regimes has maintained or even increased the amount of administrative pressure.
The authors examined in detail the innovations of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 N 99- FZ «On Licensing Certain Types of A Activities», highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages of the law are the reduction of the list of licensed activities, the introduction of perpetual licenses, the use of information technology in the licensing procedures. The main disadvantage of the law is increase in terms of administrative procedures for licensing.
In 2012 the Ministry of E Economic Development of Russia has created an information system for collecting data on the licensing of certain types of economic activity. The paper contains an analysis of the statistical data obtained by using this system. It allows us to assess the extent and pattern of functioning of the institution of licensing.
The article also provides an analysis of some current problems of licensing: the restriction of places of the licensed activity; the consolidation of licensed activities; the uncertainty of the forms and methods of verifying compliance with the licensing requirements; the lack of communication between the licensing bodies and the tax authorities. According to the analysis of these problems, the authors formulate proposals to improve the licensing system. |
This article attempts to take stock of the first stage of the performance management reforms in Russia (2004–2013), identify the lessons learned both from domestic and international experience and assess prospects for further development of the performance management principles and tools going forward. The authors analyze the outcomes of the inconsistencies in application and review enabling conditions for implementation of the performance management approaches. The importance of linkages and a better integration of the performance management instruments and initiatives with other public sector institutional reforms (budget reform, civil service reform, etc.), is emphasized. Introduction of a program budgeting in Russia creates better conditions for the development of performance budgeting, linking the performance information with the budget process, planning and assessing of the outcomes, which opens a window of opportunities for the Russian Government to streamline the performance management system. The analysis of the past experience allows formulating recommendations and laying the foundation for more effective approaches to performance management in a changing economic context. |
The article reviews a new public administration paradigm – Open Government in the governance reform context. The authors provide a definition of the term "Open Government" and analyze international practices in implementing and evaluating the openness.
The article suggests a new conceptual vision of the public administration reform based on the openness values and principles in Russia. The article’s structure is determined by the author’s goal to justify the necessity to move to a new public administration paradigm in times of information society. To implement the goal the authors provide (1) the Open Government definition formation and analysis, (2) an international strategies summary for the openness movement in leading countries, (3) the openness measurement and an evaluation framework, (4) a barriers analysis for the open government mechanisms implementation in Russia. The research is focused on the potential advantages distinction from the open government implementation.
Modern Russia’s legislative and administrative practices research brings to a conclusion that the openness values and tools implementation will help to find balance and decrease tension in the relations between the state and society. One of the key findings of the study is recommendations development to increase the trust level between the state and society and improve the feedback loop efficiency. |
The Russian concept of administrative reform aimed at increasing efficiency of power by putting in order, involving the executive power in the work. It is within the framework of reforming that an institution of administrative regulation actually emerges and develops. Relations regulated by the regulations of this institute are the regulation of administrative procedures, establishment of rights and freedoms of citizens, consolidation of the limitations for civil servants and officials involved. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure the rule of law.
The results of the analysis of the development of the institution of administrative regulations are formulated in the article and include the following main provisions. Improvement of the public service involves a reform of the state, creation of institutions of civil service and administrative regulations of the state bodies. The latter is a set of interrelated acts of the state bodies regulating the common object – administrative procedures. Administrative regulation passed three stages in its development. At the first stage (1990–2002) prerequisites and new for the Russian bureaucracy procedural ways of the organization of the executive authorities were created. The second phase (2002 – the beginning of 2006) is characterized by the creation of a normative base of administrative regulation and formation of theoretical foundations of administrative regulations. The third stage of the administrative regulation was a stage of active mass development of administrative regulations functional orientation. The prospect of the development of administrative regulation (the fourth stage), in our opinion, is the formation of procedural rights. |
The topic of the article is a resumptive conceptualization of institutional and discursive innovations connected with updating and practical ensuring of a new quality of public openness of the state.
The author’s concern is the formation of the complete, internally differentiated subsystem of concepts of public openness which is integrated and develops a conceptual system of social studies. For this purpose, strangely enough, it is necessary to be exempted from the power of the commonly accepted modern political discourse. The explanation of a dialectic unity of the openness and closedness, as necessary parts of human existence, is an essential methodological basis.
It allows to define more accurately the concept of «The Open State».
Public openness of the state is simultaneously a factor of the social development and a social risk. The institutionalization of the open state is the answer to growing risks of the informative asymmetry in the conditions of postmodern existence of mankind in a global, IT coherent megalopolis. The open state is an institutionally determined measure of public openness. Four levels of the public openness are picked out: managerial openness, openness of the staff, civil openness and informational openness of the state. The conclusion, which determines the system of coordinates for the rationalizing and engineering of the social world, is that the public openness, which always is a source of chaos, acted as a factor of social development; it needs to be turned from the elements of human sociality into an institutional quality of the state. |
The article presents the results of the five-year e-Government development monitoring in St. Petersburg Administration. The research was focused on the civil servants’ readiness to use e-government technologies in their work. The study was conducted with using questionnaires in the period of 2009–2013. During the research period 1 707 civil servants from 57 St. Petersburg executive authorities were interviewed.
The survey provided data on the use of ICTs by civil servants, their awareness of the e-government’s technologies development projects, the civil servants’ ICT qualification and the motivation for learning. The study revealed a high level of the workstations computerization (97%). According to the survey’s results, 61% of civil servants feel the need to improve their IT skills. The study fixed an increase of St. Petersburg civil servants’ awareness on the e-government projects and e-services (from 22% in 2010 to 34% in 2013).
According to the poll’s results, a number of recommendations for effective e-government implementation were developed. For instance, among the most important recommendations are the following: providing educational activities, raising civil servants’ awareness about the best international practices in the field of e-government, introducing a unified system of efficiency and effectiveness.
A series of studies were conducted with the support of St. Petersburg Committee for Information and Communications. Monitoring is carried out regularly expanding the research scale. |