Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2017 no1 contents:
The paper deals with the development of the entrepreneurship and SME policy support agenda in some CEE and CIS countries in the process of systemic transition, basing both on desk research and the results of an own expert survey in 14 countries. The author points out the initial differences of the socio-economic context of SME policy in transitional societies from the very beginning of the systemic transition and emphasizes the role of the framework rules and regulations of the EU in the establishment of the appropriate policy in the CEE countries. He shows both similarities as well as peculiarities in the design of the SME policy in 14 Post-Socialist economies. Taking the experience of the CEE and CIS countries with very different framework conditions and economic performance, the paper transfers some obtained evidence into the Russian context, offering a re-conceptualization of the established entrepreneurship and SME policy towards a more stringent consideration of both framework conditions and the state of the SME on the regional level.
The transfer of intellectual property rights (IPR) and associated relations are subject to regular antitrust policy in the developed economies, with some minor refinements. The application of antitrust policy to the same area in the developing countries is a question of controversy. Such economies as China and Russia apply explicit exceptions for IPR-related deals in their antitrust laws. The authors of the article consider alternative options of antitrust policy for IPRrelated deals in emerging market economies and provide rationale for weakening antitrust standards under certain conditions. This rationale is based on the goal of structural adjustment of the economy and on the prevention of undesirable growth of uncertainty affecting the choice of governance structures.
The subject of research is the development of industrial policy in Russia from 2010 until now. Basing on the structuring of the main activities related to industrial policy, we identify, describe and explain the main reasons for the actions taken by the government. We explain the layout of the Russian industrial policy at the present stage in terms of the measures and instruments used. The situation in the Russian industry after the acute phase of the global financial crisis in the years of 2008–2009 demanded, on the one hand, the quest for new industrial models, and on the other hand, strengthening the role of the government. Taking 2010 as a starting point of the study, we considered separately measures and activities of 2010–2011 (the overcome of the post-crisis phenomena and the recovery of economic growth), 2012–2014 (stagnation and the search for new points of growth), and from 2015 to the present (the import substitution, effect of the sanctions, the need for a new industrial policy). We submit for discussion the following problems of industrial policy at the present stage: unresolved structural problems of the Russian economy, a small scale of industry support mechanisms, conservation of the current state of inefficient productions. Under these conditions, the creation of a competitive domestic industry is only possible by carrying out institutional reforms (with the formation of a favorable investment environment). The tangible expansion of state support is also needed, with the parallel adjustment of the existing regulatory tools. This article is the last one in a series devoted to the analysis of industrial development management over the past 25 years. The overall purpose of this series is the evaluation of the industrial regulation in the Russian Federation and setting conditions for making a new industrial development strategy of the Russian Federation.
The article presents a new view of mixed economy failures and their classifi cation in context of researching the nature and evolution of paternalism – one of the elements of the "patronized goods" theory. "Behavioral failures" add up to standard failures such as monopolies, information asymmetry externals etc. According to the theory this kind of the mixed economy failure is caused by irrational acts of individuals who choose the kind of behavior which matching the "pater’s" preferences does not maximize their wellbeing. The analysis of "paternalism" is based on the approach mentioned above that made it possible to leave the habitual for this category "paternal care" of the state about its citizens and offer a more generalized interpretation of the notion. The article points to a special kind of defects of the mixed economy-"paternalistic failure" and analyzes the mechanisms of forming state paternalistic directives that cause the failure. Theoretical and applied aspects of the concept of consociational democracy are considered in the article. The concept provides for process liberalization of making political and economic decisions on the basis of developing civil society institutions and citizens’ activity, aimed at reducing risks of "state failures" and wellbeing losses.
The article analyzes the development trend of the system of the federal civil service in Russia with using the program-target method. The relevance is due to defects in planning practice in the past years and the need to improve its efficiency in the future. To test the hypothesis it is proposed to assess the overall dynamics of the civil service with a number of objective statistical indicators. All the latest period of development of the national civil service system in 1991–2014 was divided into periods that do not implement programs of public service development ( a control group), and years of implementation of these programs (an experimental group). We tested the hypothesis that the use of the program-target method contributes to the development of the civil service system, which manifests itself in improving performance of its internal functioning and more closely in the overall dynamics of the national development. These trends are determined by using a factor analysis and a principal component analysis. It was found that during the implementation of the federal public service reform program (especially in 2003–2007 and in 2009–2010) a closer, than in other years, statistical relationship between the indices of internal and external development and at the same time increased indexes data were revealing. It is concluded that the implemented program had an overall positive impact on the development of civil service. In the years, when there were no programs, a negative trend in the development of civil service was marked. We recommend the implementation of some criteria, focusing on the achievement of an external socio-economic impact, and the establishment of these documents with national priorities in new programs for civil service.
Economic crisis aggravated existing problems of timber processing industry and made evident the need for full scale regulatory changes. This article is intended to provide a review and analysis of all existing timber complex administration systems, to bring to the light fundamental problems of regulation and to propose recommendations for improvement. The research showed up a disengagement of the two basic parts of timber processing, problems of authority distribution in the public sector, limitations of the timber resources access mechanism that is envisaged in legislation and economic problems of the industry. The research provided recommendations regarding the ways to improve the regulation system including the formation of an institutional framework to coordinate industry players, optimization of authority distribution in the public sector, development of timber resources access mechanisms, improvement of the payment system for timber usage.
Sustainable public procurement (SPP) is a process of purchasing goods, services, works and utilities for public needs in a way that ensures benefits not only to the organization, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimizes damage to the environment. SPP can be part of the overall mechanism of sustainable development. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how SPP can contribute to sustainable development, what is the legal framework for it, what factors promote and inhibit SPP, how SPP can be implemented in practice. By analyzing regulatory legal acts, the international SPP experience, a large body of international academic research and reports of international organizations involved in the promotion of SPP, we advance two key features that make public procurement an effective mechanism of sustainable development: (1) the scale of public procurement and (2) the power and authority of procurement bodies. We distinguish between several different schemes of legal support of SPP. The main drivers of SPP are leadership, clarity of strategies and plans that articulate SPP goals, the legislative support of the SPP process, and the information support of procurement specialists. Our review of international experience in SPP is expected to contribute to a more vigorous implementation of SPP by procurement authorities.
Guarantees as an instrument to attract professional civil servants can be viewed as an item of public personnel management. The aim of the research conducted is to evaluate the link between state guarantees and performance assessment and the effect of social guarantees on motivation towards effectiveness. The authors evaluated research studies conducted in the sphere of perception of guarantees. In order to clarify the results gained in the studies analyzed in the paper the authors held an additional survey. The aims of the survey were to clarify the difference between guarantees and to reveal the perception of the candidates for the position in the public service. The authors inter viewed 5 public servants and made a survey on 64 public servants. The study revealed that guarantees are not linked with performance indicators that stimulate a public servant to demonstrate efficiency. The results of the study conducted could be implemented for the development of motivational instruments in the public sector.
The article is devoted to the monitoring and evaluating of regional innovation infrastructure. The final aim of creating a separate field of organizational infrastructure elements is achieved by a sequential construction of regional market-oriented infrastructure systems working on the network principle. The paper presents a catalogue of regional innovation infrastructural elements, their key characteristics and an approach to assess the performance. Moreover timeline of the creation of innovative infrastructure elements is presented, regions and federal districts, with the greatest opportunities for the realization of innovative projects, as well as the most lagging regions are highlighted. The authors conclude that priority of an asymmetrical regional development leads to increasing disparities in regional development. Key risks of the asymmetrical regional development are economic and social disparities between the regions, labor migration to innovations leading regions increasing the load on the budgets of donor regions, the growth of social tension. However, theoretically, in the long term, development of the region-innovative leaders can become a driver for developing economy as a whole. But there is no evidence of this so far. The authors propose setting up a centralized strategic monitoring system to assess effectiveness and efficiency of the innovation infrastructure elements. The article is based on the results of the general research of the Russian Federation subdevisions to determine the presence and characteristics of the elements of the innovation infrastructure.It was conducted in March-May 2016.
The article is devoted to the study of the globalization factor in the national system of public administration. The main goal is to create understanding of the entity, organizational and legal basics, characteristics and key components of state anti-crisis management in the context of globalization and the negative effects of the crisis and sanctions restrictions. The article presents the analysis of a specific Manager of anti-crisis actions, taking into account opportunities, difficulties and prospects of moving in the direction of sustainable socio-economic and political development. While sanctions are considered as a special product of globalization and a unipolar world order. The article analyzes the basic aspects, principles and priorities of state anti-crisis strategy and the respective crisis management plans and operational decisions. Presented as General recommendations, and analysis of real measures and mechanisms of state anti-crisis management. Emphasizes the need for a more professional, flexible and high-quality work of the state apparatus in crisis and sanctions restrictions – new level of integration of measures for strategic and operational management, a more rigorous audit of socio-economic risks and projected a sober calculation of the possible difficulties and contradictions. The author avoids unambiguous situational judgment, trying to distance themselves from formal generalizations, one-sided assessments and idealistically oriented recommendations.