Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095
Issue 2019 no3 contents:
The President’s address sets the task of public administration digitalization, including data-based management, for which it is necessary to organize public adminis tration data-turnover regulation. Regulation of this issue involves the creation of the environment that reduces the main risks of implementing data turnover. The purpose of this article is to identify the structure, describe and analyze the risks of data turnover in public administration. The classification of data-turnover risks and the regulatory practice are discussed in the article, as well as the analysis of the main risks and legal regulation of dataturnover for Russia Federation. It is concluded that the regulation of data turnover in public administration should be comprehensive, taking into account the interests of an individual in terms of personal data protection and the State in terms of data use. The analysis revealed a group of risks, affecting the main processes of digital transformation of the country’s economy and efficiency of public administration as a whole. In particular, the risk of violation of human rights and freedom is very significant for an individual. The analyses of non-standardized data organizing, data-access and datapiracy costs are significant for the government. Expensive legal and policy decisions are necessary to manage data-turnover risks.
Control and supervisory bodies develop and implement programs for preventing violations of mandatory requirements of regulatory legal acts, as well as requirements established by municipal legal acts, the control (supervision) of which they exercise. Due to the fact that preventive activities are carried out at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, an assessment of the effectiveness of their spending is necessary. However, at present, there are no criteria and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the preventive activities of the control and supervision bodies. This article attempts to search for indicators by which it would be possible to assess the effectiveness of the preventive activities of the control and oversight bodies, in connection with which, the authors examined the regulatory legal basis of this activity, assessed the emerging practice of introducing legislative novels into the activities of individual control and oversight bodies, chose from an array of statistical data provided annually by the regulatory authorities, those indicators which, in the authors’ opinion, should be influenced by preventive performance. A study of the regulatory legal framework for prevention showed that today there is no legislative certainty regarding the subject of prevention (this includes violations of mandatory requirements, harm (damage), the risk of harm (damage), and natural and man-made emergencies). According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the preventive function is implemented at the present stage to a large extent formally, an indepth study of even the most advanced examples does not allow us to argue that the successful registration of resources on the Internet created to provide a preventive effect on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs corresponds to their content. The article provides a brief description of possible models for assessing the effectiveness of preventive activities, as well as the ideas of sociological research as practice has been developed.
The issue of assessing the quality of judicial decisions is particularly relevant for Russia as for a country at a transitional stage of institutional development. The paper analyzes the factors of quality of judicial decisions through antitrust cases in relation to international practice and Russian specifics. There is an analysis of the main features that determine the quality of the decisions made by the judges on the basis of a unique database of commercial courts cases. The article notes the high significance of the level of specialization and economic competence of judges when considering cases of a certain type. The decision quality factor is based on the minimization of law enforcement errors; and it is determined by such indicators as a fact of appeal, equality of decisions of first and higher instances, as well as a cumulative number of instances considering a case as a parameter of the quality of the case consideration by the judicial system in general. There are several groups of parameters aff ecting the quality. This research is especially focused on individual characteristics of judges, complexity of the approach required to the analysis of a potential violation and sanctions imposed on a party. It is shown that specialized experience of a judge in consideration of cases of a certain type provides rather intensive impact on the decision which will not be canceled by higher instances.
The paper provides an overview of some publications on digital economy. In theoretical papers, digital economy generally refers to the production of goods based on the use of digital technologies, while a number of authors distinguish its four groups of interpretation (resource, process / flow, structural, business model) and two types of approaches, which are typical for the Russian literature (reproductive and cyber-systematic). A common feature of the considered defi nitions is an attempt to take into account the extent and the consequences of introducing digital technologies to changes in socio-economic processes, which results in the fact that the research field looks rather fragmentary. However, that circumstance does not hinder analytical and practice-oriented research. In the rewired applied papers, one emphasizes the supporting technological development with the “analog complements” such as sound regulatory and legal framework, digital skills, and accountable institutions. The article also presents the analysis of big data practices application in the frame of results-based management and data driven partnership and lists corresponding positive effects. The current review may be useful for academic and expert communities in carrying out researches in the field of digital economy and preparing proposals to modify state policy in the development of information society and digital economy.
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the content and features of gaming technology as an active method of forming competencies of the masters in «State and municipal management.» The article proposes a methodology for conducting a business game “Comprehensive investment planning for the socio-economic development of a mono-functional city (case study: the town of Asha, Chelyabinsk region)”, the purpose of which is to train masters in an active form to exploit the methods of diagnostics and technology of integrated investment planning in the socio-economic development of a mono-functional city Asha. As a result, the participants form a management model of the municipality in the conditions of specified constraints. The business game consists of four stages: an introduction to the game; diagnostics of financial flows of counterparties of a single-industry company and calculation of the value and dynamics of its capital; setting goals for comprehensive investment planning and developing priority measures; a discussion of alternative options for the economic development of the city and the choice of the most preferred trajectory. Consequently, the business game recreates the patterns of interaction between the main counterparties of the mono-functional city and determines the most optimal options for managing the municipality, which leads to an increase in the educational process and the growth of the professional experience of the game participants.
The paper presents the results of analyzing objective and subjective indices of environmental protection competence of Sverdlovsk Region officials. The empiric basis of the article was statistical data provided by the Office of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service in the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan Regions specially for this purpose, as well as semiformalized expert interviews with state and municipal officials, carried out in five municipal formations of the Sverdlovsk Region. From analyzing the empiric data, the authors concluded that formal requirements regarding qualification of municipal officials are met, but it cannot ensure efficiency of solving environmental problems on the municipal level. Thus, there is a pronounced deficit of environmental protection competencies. Rich expertise enables municipal officials to perform their duties, but it cannot solve the problem of the insufficient knowledge of environmental protection. Municipal officials overestimate their environmental protection competence and expertise. Though the majority of municipal officials lack the specialized environmental protection education, as well as complete regular further education courses on this subject, specialists from the municipal formation administration consider their qualification high enough and professional experience successful. This means that no strict requirements are set for the competence of municipal authorities, while further education seems to be a formal process. It was shown that the environmental protection issue is not a top-priority for the local administration; administration representatives are barely motivated to be involved in environmental protection, while different officials have different levels of the appropriate competence, depending on their positions. Inevitably, environmental protection capabilities of municipal executive authorities decrease gradually. To improve the environmental protection competence of municipal authorities, educational organizations should focus on designing the innovative and substantial courses, further education, and professional courses, dedicated to environmental protection.
The article is aimed at analysing budget risks related to activities of development institutions and ways of reducing such risks. The paper looks at financing models of development institutions in Russia, including the following models: budget fi nancing, public guarantees, capital contributions and concessional deposits. The analysis of the Russian development institutions shows that, although, in general all measures of the government support are in place, in a number of key organizations there is a mismatch between market liabilities and non-market assets, which create budget risks. The list of such organizations includes Vnesheconombank, Russian Agricultural Bank and DOM.RF (Russian Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending). The article further analyses the case of budget support for the Vnesheconombank in 2015–2018, which is the largest case of public support for the development institution in Russia. The authors come to the conclusion that the main source of risk is political interference in the activities of the development bank and absence of compensation for financing of low-return projects. Based on the analysis of international best practices the recommendations are given on reduction of budget risks related to development institutions, including such policies as provision of public guarantee, loan portfolio breakdown into subsidized and non-subsidized loans; regular budget transfers and concessional deposits. The article concludes that in order to reduce budget risks related to development institutions in Russia the Government needs to develop a transparent framework of compensation evaluation and establishment of mechanism of regular compensation for their activities.
The author of the review of the textbook by A.V. Soroko, P.A. Baklanov, M.V. Abramov, D.S. Kovalev, T.A. Yatsuk “Personnel management in the public administration of the Republic of Singapore: foreign experience (in charts)” concludes that today public administration throughout the world acquires common features, but national peculiarities in implementing policies in one area or another are extremely useful for other countries, serve as an example of improving administrative processes and institutions. The manual of five authors will greatly assist universities and organizations of secondary special education in teaching the subject “Human Resource Management”. The charts and tables that make up the main content of the book are the result of a great analytical understanding of heterogeneous material, in-depth study of world experience and specifi cally the reasons for Singapore’s success in organizing a highly efficient system of human resource management for achieving positive administrative results. Schemes and tables help identify, master the control algorithms, consistency, patterns, continuity of actions of government institutions. In the book, today’s main challenge to public administration is particularly clearly seen as complexity, multidimensionality, quick change of tasks that determine the approaches to the formation of personnel management strategies in the world in general and in the Republic of Singapore in particular. In the Republic of Singapore, as the book shows, the course is firmly taken not to pinpoint innovations in administrative structures, but to the transition of the state from the “Regulator” model to the “Public Service Provider” model.