

«Public Administration Issues» Journal,

Post. address:
National Research University
Higher School of Economics
20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
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Major Indexing

Research and educational journal
Published quarterly since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095

Tatyana A. Radchenko1, Ksenia A. Bannikova2, Natalia M. Kochetkova3
  • 1 Vice president; Research associate, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics; The Center for Strategic Research, 3-5 bld. 1, Gazetny lane, 125009 Moscow, Russia.
  • 2 Head of the Direction for Economy of the non-raw-materials sector; The Center for Strategic Research,, 3-5 bld. 1, Gazetny lane, 125009 Moscow, Russia.
  • 3 Leading expert of the Direction for Economy of the non-raw-materials sector; The Center for Strategic Research, 3-5 bld. 1, Gazetny lane, 125009 Moscow, Russia.


2022. No. 3. P. 193–218 [issue contents]
The study is aimed at finding a universal methodology for using geoanalytical data for the purpose of tourism statistics and at analyzing the characteristics of tourism and the touristic trips in Russian territories (Krasnodar region as an example) using data from mobile operators. The authors analyzed aggregated and depersonalized data of mobile operators, generated from cellular networks operation data. Data on cellular subscribers were adjusted for the market shares of mobile operators to obtain indicators that characterize the aggregate number of tourists and excursionists. The analysis allowed, firstly, to offer methodological approaches for working with geoanalytical data and, secondly, to reveal that in 2019-2020 the coronavirus pandemic did not have a significant negative impact on the number of tourists and excursionists which is most likely explained by the switching of citizens from foreign trips to domestic travel. Any impact of the pandemic on the tourists portrait was also not revealed. At the same time, geoanalytical data made it possible to highlight the preferences of Russian tourists in the Krasnodar region to stay in rented housing or live with relatives, friends or in their own housing instead of hotels and inns. During the pandemic these preferences were more explicit, which can be explained by some requirements or recommendations in collective accommodations that may not exist in the private sector. In general, geoanalytical data allow for a more complete and detailed accounting of tourist and excursion flows in a territory for: initiation of support measures for transport infrastructure, tourism development within the framework of state and departmental programs; targeted event planning and creation of related services as part of the tourism strategic development and territory  planning. The article also presents discussion about possible modifications of the research methodology for the analysis of, firstly, the types of tourist trips; secondly, the contribution of tourism and particular events to the economy of the territory.


Radchenko, T.A., Bannikova, K.A. and Kochetkova, N.M. (2022) ‘Tourism industry development: Geoanalytics data as a decision-making tool’, Public Administration Issues, 3, pp. 193-218. (In Russian).

ISSN 1999-5431
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